新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 457

ZPE-Resonance Type Mind-EM-Scalar 9 Implant Effect • -->> cont - ■1 : 5-”ET” or “akhasic” communication: 5d-"abductions": Occasional military uniform witnessed, Some think exclusively human military operation(J Altshuler+), Often on-going regular experiences, or multi-generational(J Henderson[K Marden]+). Occasional sudden medical healing(Pr Dennett+), precision cut, or body implants discovered(they move around in body[De Stoner+], often harmonic radiowave emitting[Roger Leir+], implant is highly classified projects run by some type of controlling group[William Pawelec+]: sophistication of implants appears to be more than equivalent of 2017 mainstream cutting edge level since 20-30 yrs prior: scalar-resonance?, military test?). Many claims on being teleported exist but almost all of their memory is spotty about during this is happening(deduced after the fact from lack of memory of transported) hence not sufficiently reliable. • Rare case of wearing wrong clothes or grown beard in the morning, Mix of hoax, vivid-dream, delusion, military, non-terrestrial group operation? Similar vague perceptional replication made by EM pulse treatment on brain(Persinger+), • 5e-Claims of “hybridization”, involving hairless expressionless large solid-black eyed humanoid-robot like?, “Insect/lizard” head wearing human?, Preying mantis? or regular human looking non human? & many other types. Also some terrestrial military pr