新パラダイムのグリーンエネルギー技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / Green Energy's New Paradigm.. 新パラダイムの常温核融合などの技術が影響する社会, 経済及び地政状況 / New Energy.. | Page 252

Bio 10: How Much RV is Really Usable? • ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading : v- : • A few have official records of international police cooperation including Interpol with good results or on live tv programs while targeted by intensely focused selective debunking by "credible media"(G Croiset[Wil Tenhaeff], Hurkos+), or regularly showed up on Japanese tv for accurate viewing for lost persons etc(McMoeagle+), • Generally effective to have limited information(front load) to lessen prejudices. Use for long distance communication(Ю Каменским & К Николаев+). • In Russia, numerous official ex-military psychics(военный экстрасенс)(ВЛ Рехлов +), or intel(Тофик Дадашев, ФР Ханцеверов+), specifically state the "extrasense" program is not only continuing but critical part of operation, and some would frequently show up on national prime time media for commenting after retirement(МВ Виноградов+) and their companies openly talk about specific case cooperation with police which issues numerous official acknowledgement stating their high ratio of effectiveness(Центр Михаила Виноградова +). Yet services also exist in West by similar system(practically 0 media exposure)with a few dozen+ psychics stand-by with claimed found missing person rate close to 50% range(from missing pool of police couldn't find)(FIND ME group[but this service is basically free: Kelly Snyder]+) ->>cont: 251 linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada