慢慢走 - Walk Slowly Digital Programme Booklet | Page 4
Season 2017
As Singapore is approaching our 6 million mark towards population
growth for our tiny country, many would ask, will life be too congested
for the little red dot hereon? What will happen to the living conditions,
quality of life, work and education, in this fast-changing nation?
As well as against other regional countries and the world? So, if ‘Clutter’
is defined as an obesity of mind, environment, humanity, objects and
activities, then, is ‘Declutter’ merely eliminating and transforming
our space to express our purpose, turning something useless into
something useful, being more honest with our relationships or
simplifying our lives in order to find our spiritual roots?
We question the paradigm of Clutter by looking inside, outside and
around ourselves.
Run Another Way
Run Another Way is a movement clinic that serves as an open platform
for non-dance practitioners in a non-conventional theatre setting. It
serves to create opportunities for arts practitioners and public who
are not engaged in dance professionally to engage in dance making,
and aims to enable all who are interested in movement and dance to
discover the body in performance, while making movement relatable
and meaningful to the everyday life.