志异 Draft by Drama box December 2014 (english) | Page 30

True harmony, therefore, is about diversity. Once that was done, Shun waited for the right time to appoint Xiang as Prince of Youbi. While this was a promotion, it was clear to Xiang and to many that this was an exile, a punishment for his crimes. Nonetheless, Shun was able to keep his dear brother alive and to uphold the honour of his brother. Like a chef able to bring three different flavours into harmony, Shun was able to harmonise three seemingly conflicting values into a single coherent action through careful preparation and timing. In this culinary model of harmony, discord occurs when we perceive a situation to only allow one element to thrive in an environment of diversity. Based on such a perception, we conceptualise every element as if they are in competition for that single spot, thus putting tension between them. The culinary model of harmony requires us to reframe our perception of situations, and to refrain from a binary mode of framing things — either this or that, yes or no. Such a model of harmony challenges us to instead see creatively how every diverse element can be simultaneously manifested like the different ingredients and flavours of a dish. Such harmony is not that simple to achieve. One must do the necessary planning and preparation, and discern the right timing to execute the various actions. If one were too hasty or too slow, one might ruin the process and fail to achieve harmony. Column 2