志异 Draft by Drama box December 2014 (english) | Page 20

But like ‘revolution’, there are many practical considerations to be made when exile becomes a reality, following the same logic that a revolution cannot be sustained on empty stomachs. Column 1 organisation anytime they wished and led normal lives, but they remained focused on their task of reestablishing contact with their comrades. When they finally rejoined the party, two of their children were sent away to China, where they were to be brought up and educated as the seedlings of revolution. Their mother was worried about them but their father was confident that fellow Communists would take good care of his children. Without their children around, they would avoid censure for being too attached to their families and were able to fully embrace the cause of ‘taking the fight back home’. Families must be broken up before revolution can begin. It was not long before the couple took their youngest daughter with them to Jakarta. There lay the boundary between party and family as well as personal responsibility and responsibility to the party. With their older children also waiting in Jakarta to be sent to China, the family of five found themselves in a situation of reunion and imminent farewell. There they lived under one roof, but the children were now under the care of the party that was responsible for their education, and they had to call their parents ‘uncle’ and ‘aunt’. As for the adults, they had to endure one rectification campaign after another upon their return to the party and the revolution.