志异 Draft by Drama box December 2014 (english) | Page 17

Exile is the sequel to He Jin’s novel The Mighty Wave, and its subtitle reads: The Story of the Exile of Young Singaporean Students to Indonesia in the 1960s. Basing the main characters on himself and his wife, the author tells the story of a young man Phoon Yuen Ming The MCP had always operated underground in Singapore. In order to protect the cadres and to conserve its strength, the party evacuated those who had blown their covers to Indonesia in the early 1960s. The MCP had a secret water route at the time, and cadres who were escaping to Indonesia were given legal documents issued by the local government. They made their way to Jakarta via the islands between Singapore and Indonesia and were then dispersed inland into the villages and towns in Java and Sumatra. These experiences were brought up in Eu Chooi Yip’s oral history account as well as Wong Soon Fong’s memoir. A later article by Zhang Taiyong gave more details on this secret route. However, what really offers a real understanding of the travails of this group is the work Exile by MCP writer He Jin, an autobiographical novel written in the literary form. 17 The Issue of Displacement conflicting claims. While leftists decry the use of state violence by arguing that they were ‘not Malayan Communists’ and that there were no ‘Malayan Communists,’ the MCP itself was asserting that it too played a role in the nation-building process, in which many had sacrificed their youth, freedom and even their lives, while others were forced into exile.