志异 Draft by Drama box december 2013 (english) | Page 13

“Homesickness — it would be simple if it were simply a longing for fellow countrymen, for that is human nature. But for an intellectual, 'space' is added to the equation, made manifold by 'time', magni?ed by the memory of the 'culture' and 'vicissitudes of life' — this nostalgia would then be three-dimensional. The memory of an individual only lasts a few decades, but the memory of an entire ethnicity spans across a few thousand years. These memories ferment into allusions, myths and history that permeate into your very soul, and you bring it along with you everywhere you go. Your body contains the very soul of the Qin and the Han, the Tang and the Song dynasties.” Yu’s definition of nostalgia or memories is indeed very different from our laymen understanding. In Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder wrote, ‘We too are stardust’, suggesting that our bodies contain the memories of the very beginning of the universe … The answer of the universe lies right within our bodies. Ah, isn't that touching, you asked. Yes, indeed, I replied. One day, when I should finally bid farewell to my body, I will be glad to know that my body can bring a whole lifetime-worth of memories and return to dust, adding on to the great collection of memories of the universe. Shouldn't I strive to live my life to the fullest then? Ah, isn't that a moving epiphany, you asked. Yes, indeed, I replied.