《声音》艾毅幼儿园专刊 VOICES Ivy Schools Special Issue VOICES Spring/Summer Edition 2019 | Page 5

EDITOR'S NOTE Dear Readers, T o me, community is at the heart of everything. Community allows us to connect with one another, learn from one another, help one another, and be a friend to one another. As a staff of Ivy Education Group and a Daystar parent for five years, I am still constantly touched, and in awe at how amazing our community truly is. It can be something as simple as paying a visit to the children in an Ivy Pre-K2 class to talk about my country, Thailand, to witnessing a Staff Appreciation Luncheon organized by the Ivy parents for teachers and staff, to celebrating school spirit and thanking our community at Ivy Education Group’s annual UNITY DAY! What ties all of these events together is a constant theme: we truly value, and embrace our community. The key though is that it’s not just about us, or our group. It’s about what we can also do to connect, learn, and help others who we may not even know. Which is why I am so delighted that this May and June, Ivy Education Group will be hosting our two biggest community events of the year: UNITY DAY, and our Charity Concert “A Night to Remember”. UNITY DAY is our way of thanking you, our Ivy and Daystar families, colleagues and friends, for choosing us to be a part of your community. The Charity Concert is an opportunity for our Ivy and Daystar community to come together as one, to make a real difference in people’s lives. With your support, we will hopefully be able to raise enough funds to help three girls graduate from high school, ten children travel to Beijing for urgent medical care, and cover the operation costs for two young, abandoned children so that they can become eligible for adoption, and find their forever home. Please take a moment to read the details of this wonderful event in our column SPOTLIGHT. We hope you will enjoy reading this issue, and will be able to understand how and why we are and always will be “Embracing Our Community, and Beyond”. With warmest regards, Ja Wuttithamrong Chief Editor of VOICES & Director of Community Advancement, Daystar Academy 3