《声音》艾毅幼儿园专刊 VOICES Ivy Schools Special Issue VOICES Spring/Summer Edition 2019 | Page 13

EDUCATION CORNER the backpack readied each evening. Those things make the mornings much less chaotic. • Be prepared for crying. Not yours, your child’s. If your child starts fussing and crying about going to school, it’s imperative that you hold firm. Of course, talk about their concerns. Address any fears calmly and reasonably. Let the school staff know that this is an issue. School counselors can work magic with situations like this; don’t hesitate to talk with them. Be firm and consistent in taking your child to school each day, regardless of whether or not they want to go. Your child has to see that you are ok with school and you are making it a priority. The teachers and staff are experienced with children who have separation issues. Leave your child when the teacher or staff person tells you to go, and trust that they will take care of things well. Honestly, they will let you know how things are progressing. Once in the car, it’s ok to shed some tears. It’s hard leaving your little one, especially if s/he is upset. Typically, these situations work themselves out, and all is well. • Questions or concerns. During the course of the school year, if you have questions or concerns, please contact the school. You want to have the right information, not rumors. Having the right information allows you to make better decisions. Be careful about listening to the stories or advice of other parents as the needs of their child may not be like the needs of your child. Ask your questions, and don’t worry about asking questions. School personnel appreciate it when parents ask clarifying questions. It allows the school the opportunity to give correct information, and it helps to inform your decisions and/or calm your nerves. If something happens in life that may impact your child’s school life, let the teacher or school counselor know. They can be prepared to help your child through whatever may be happening, and make school a safe and secure environment for him/her. • Homework and reading with your child. Start early in setting up a specific time and place for your child to do homework. I’d suggest it be at the same time each day and in someplace where there is no TV or other technological distractions. Your presence should be very noticeable. Let your children know that you are there if they need you but, until they say there’s a need, allow your children to do their work on their own. Here’s what I’ve often told parents: “if you step in and do things for your child, the message you may be sending is this: ‘honey, I love you but you are not capable.’” We want to empower our children to do things and attempt to do things on their own. If they make a mistake, it’s ok. That mistake allows them to re-learn, and it teaches them that they don’t have to be perfect. It’s ok to make mistakes. One other suggestion on homework is building in a time for you to read to your child and for him/her to read to you as they learn. Even if there is no homework, make reading together an evening event. Choose fun books, and make this a quality time for learning and togetherness. Reading is a critical skill, so the more practice our children get, the better. Final Tips You can establish your own comforting routine to start your child’s day on a positive note. A comforting routine could involve singing a couple of verses of your child’s favorite song, reciting a poem, or telling a story. Developing a routine like this can benefit both you and your child. Here are some other helpful tips to assist your child in his or her adjustment to school: • Contact the teacher. If your child is struggling, or has an issue at home, let his or her teacher know about it. • Share your own positive stories about school. Recall memories of your childhood when you were in first grade and how much you enjoyed it. • Not goodbye, see you later. Saying goodbye can be tough for some children. Instead of saying goodbye, perhaps say something like “See you later after school when I pick you up. I can’t wait to hear about your day!” This way, you explicitly affirm to your child that you will see him or her again at the end of the day. • Leave a note. Something as simple as “I hope you’re enjoying your day. I love you!” is enough to uplift a child’s spirits. We hope the above tips can help ease some of your anxieties, and will provide you with some useful tips to support your child’s successful transition into the next chapter of his/her life… first grade! About Dr. Sharon Servier Dr. Sevier has been in education for 40 years. During that time, she has been a classroom teacher, a school counselor at every level, a district director of guidance and counseling, and an adjunct faculty member at various colleges and universities in New York and Missouri. 11