《声音》 VOICES Ivy's VOICES Fall/Winter Edition 2018 | Page 37

RECIPE CORNER Ingredients and Equipment P otato chips are so delicious that often times, people can’t stop eating them! Are there any healthy and delicious potato chips? After careful research, discussions, and several trials and errors, the teachers and children of Ivy Schools have finally found a secret recipe for healthy potato chips which we are sharing with you today! A few potatoes Salt Drinking water Cutting board Large container Children’s knife Microwavable plate Paper towel Potato peeler Directions ● Wash the potatoes with your child and skin them with a potato peeler ● Adults cut the potatoes into large chunks. Have your child cut them into slices. If they are difficult to cut, place the potatoes in the microwave for a few minutes, cool, then cut again ● Place all the sliced potatoes into a large container. Soak in drinking water for 10-15 minutes. This will help the finished potatoes be crispy ● Take out the potatoes, dry with a paper towel and place them on a microwavable plate ● Add seasonings (salt) according to taste preferences ● Put them in the microwave on high for 4 minutes. Flip the potatoes, then cook on high for another 4 minutes ● Ready to eat! 35