Intelligence interpreted as a potential maximum spiritual substance or substantial spirit, which is the axis of
the community as a sublime potential, moves the human being in life and through life, depending on the
achievement of the community concerned.
At the individual level; states of mind or moments of inspiration when for instance, the composer doesn’t have
to think to become a virtuoso interpret or the poet doesn’t have to contemplate to write his poesy or the artist
to give his work a slight touch to fix his genius on a piece of wall, as though some spiritual existence behind
the curtain is at work, making a harmonious unity with the subject on this side to make him complete with the
highest feeling of pleasure and faith in its subjectivity. - Pure Intelligence —analogous to Energy in the
counter-part of the godly hemisphere. Particular intelligence manifesting its existence through the best
intellectual elements of the community shining with their high intelligence and spirit, to enjoy their existence
with bliss emanating from their very being to serve the community. - To serve the Medium, which gave birth to
their very existence in the fields of culture, politics, science or faith as their higher objectives - A share for the
universal harmony of life as the ultimate purpose.
In my opinion and according to my subjective search for truth, Music is the prominent factor of this abstract
Expressed by I = h q2, with q – the quality of music as a prominent factor suggesting an exponential relation
and h as the human factor, stressing the fact that an intelligence with non-human component is meaningless in
the sense that it goes counter to the harmony of life, which should be promoted in order to elevate the
existential potential of nature as a whole.
This suggestion is a result of a limited insight and personal experience, through a sporadic search for truth –
personal truth to give one’s life a rational purpose, which ended up along the path of rationality –reason and
logic at a blind faith in the absolute and a blissful sense of that “beyond”.
What is however the relation of music to intelligence, according to science?
After coming to this end, it lies in the good nature of any human being to find out if this sort of suggestion is
shared by others too, especially by the community of science. Though differentiated by the degree of
veneration, mankind is in the average at a relatively high level of development where the truth of basic
scientific inquiry, be it by the fanatic religious or the tolerant or otherwise, cannot be today simply dismissed.
On this ground, frankly speaking, it is not in the intention of questioning the initial outcome of my search for
truth that I ventured to make the search again, this time in the vicinity of science. I have no room for
scepticism, not because of a dogmatic propensity but due to the fact that my attitude has its origin in a
highly fundamental and existential positive experience, which I cannot consciously disregard as a mind
phantom or hallucination or solipsism, Para psychological experience or qualia whatever one may call it. I
nevertheless want to round up the fundament of my truth in the sector of scinece; may be somewhat superficial
because of the missing background in the scientific disciplines, but rational enough to find out a notion of
similar basic perceptions. This makes the difference too between philosophy and natural science. Moreover this
section of inquiry is also not counter to my model, since science is one of the four significant scales or pillars
of life too. I.e. Science, History, Culture and Space.
Searching for supporting substance and material, not in the isolated vicinity of my own intellect and
experience, but in the community of well-established scientists, even under the limited perspective at my
disposal is also extensive enough, that I have my problem in sorting out the documents.. This search would
not have been so convenient without the medium of the internet, which fortunately is today a high factor of
knowledge acquisition.
To my greatest surprise and gratification, the science community is full of material indicating, to say the least,
that my suggestion i.e. hypothesis is not that simple, groundless or far-fetched and a phantom of the mind,
like it looks like at its face value.
Due to the abundance of the material indicating the prominent place music has been allocated in its relation to
intelligence, I will simply try to enumerate a collection of only the outstanding experts on this domain, which I
have come across during the last months, leaving it open for further future discussion and investigation..
In advance if I take the courage of making a synthesis of all the attitudes of the scientific community
concerning the significant role of music in the formation, development and capacity of intelligence, it is a fact
that there is no intelligence devoid of music and that music is a high substantial and prominent factor of