Planetary Archetypes and Meanings*
Integrated in the Harmony Model
1. Sun / Selfhood: The intersection of the Absolute,
the Material, the spiritual and the Human planes
2. Moon / Psyche: The intersection of the Absolute,
the Social, the Cultural and the Human planes
3. Mercury /Mind: The intersection of the Human and
the Material planes within the Spiritual sphere
4. Venus / Love: The intersection of the Human and
the Social planes within the parameters of the Cultural sphere
5. Mars / War; Struggle: The intersection of the Absolute and
the Cultural planes in the context of the Social sphere
6. Jupiter /Victory; Success: The intersection of the Absolute and
the Spiritual planes posited in the Material sphere
7. Saturn / Power: The intersection of the Absolute and
the Social planes
8. Uranus/ R-Evolution: The intersection of the Human and
the Cultural planes
9. Neptune / Faith: The intersection of the Human and
the Spiritual planes
10. Pluto / Transcendence: The intersection of the Absolute and
the Material planes.
LIFE is a beautiful adventure full of Wonders for the curious Human Intellect!
*cf Richard Tarnas, “Cosmos and Psyche” 2006