ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE A Simple Agebra of Social Dynamics | Page 7
even if unfortunately the process is by far still not
complete – a fact, 40 years after, calling for a serious
reflection on our collective mind or the mind of the
last drop – the last Wo-Man and Man!
In Africa, during the “Arab Spring” from Tunisia up
to Egypt, from Libya across to Yemen etc. Year 2011
was a huge demonstration of these phenomena
highlighting the great role of the youth for
enlightening Africa
Nonetheless, today in year 2013, given the sum total
outcome of all the movements across all these
different regions and particular political relations
and cultural variables, still the big point remains;
which one of the contending big IDEAS will win the
minds and the hearts of THE YOUTH: Ideological
dogma and Religion or The vision of
ENLIGTENMENT and Genuine Democracy!
In this context, in year 2013 the appearance and the
movement of “The Blue Party”, in the Ethiopian
political landscape have to be highlighted as well!
Updated 2/09/2013 (Original H.B. 26.01.2011!)