ለ አእምሮ / Le'Aimero ለ አእምሮ የጥር 2006 / January 2014/ እትም፣ ቅጽ 2 ቁጥር 6 | Page 64

willing to tell the world their stories and continue their battle for recognition and compensation. After the war, scores of Blacks who had somehow managed to survive the Nazi regime, were rounded up and tried as war criminals. Talk about the final insult! There are thousands of Black Holocaust stories, from the triangle trade, to slavery in America, to the gas ovens in Germany. We often shy away from hearing about our historical past because so much of it is painful; however, we are in this struggle together for rights, dignity, and, yes, reparations for wrongs done to us through the centuries. We need to always remember so that we can take steps to ensure that these atrocities never happen again. For further information, read: Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany, by Hans J. Massaquoi. PLEASE PASS THIS ON, AND ALWAYS REMEMBER...LEST WE FORGET! ለአእምሮ የጥር 2006 / January 2014/ እትም፣ቅጽ 2 ቁጥር 6 64