ለ አእምሮ / Le'Aimero ለ አእምሮ የካቲት 2006 / February 2014/ እትም፣ ቅጽ 2 ቁጥር-07 | Page 46
the sand, electric shocks, hanging by one’s hands and legs, burning with hot-iron
bars, and prolonged exposure to the sun.
This paper seeks to expand our empirical knowledge by describing and
analysing the processes and actors, including Eritrean families both in the
diaspora and in Eritrea, involved in the transnational networks supporting and
enabling the smuggling and trafficking of Eritreans through the Sinai to Israel.
We focus only on the Sinai route, although migration from Eritrea also occurs
south to other parts of Africa, west through Sudan to Libya, and east across the
Red Sea. The Sinai route actors include smugglers from the Rishaida tribe in
East Sudan, Sudanese and Egyptian authorities, Bedouin smugglers in Egypt,
and Eritrean collaborators who work with the traffickers as intermediaries. It is
likely that similar smuggling – and probably trafficking – networks also exist for
these other migration routes.
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ለአእምሮ የካቲት 2006 / February 2014/ እትም፣ቅጽ 2 ቁጥር-7