دليل منشورات جامعة بيرزيت CATALOGUE 2p - HQ | Page 24

1987 1986 A Review of Health Standards and Services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Primary Health Care Training: An Assessment of Needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Study Design: Rita Giacaman, Hala Salem & Maisoon Filfil An Investigation of Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Haemoglobin Levels of Children in a Bir Zeit School 1995 ‫علي‬ ‫احلاج‬ ‫وعفاف‬ ‫سامل‬ ‫عودة‬ ‫منى‬ Planning for Health in Occupied Palestine 1985 ‫الفلسطيين‬ ‫اجملتمع‬ ‫يف‬ ‫معوقات‬ ‫نساء‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫على‬ ‫أضواء‬ 1984 Zbeidat Three Years After: A Case Study of Community Development in Health 1992 Occasional Papers 25 1985 Seasonal Aspects of Faecal Coliform Concentrations in Nine Springs in the Ramallah Area Chris Smith, Research Assistant: Muhammad Sa'id 1985 Faecal Coliform Concentrations of Cistern and Stored Household Water in the Palestinian Village of Abu Shkheidem Chris Smith, Research Assistant: Muhammad Sa'id & Muna 'Odeh Occasional Papers 24