دليل منشورات جامعة بيرزيت CATALOGUE 2p - HQ | Page 18

Endnote: 19 :‫حواشي‬ 1. A three-character, randomly-arranged code that does not make sense of its own, created for archiving and easy accessibility, and reference to publications. Each publication has its own request code. For publications published in two editions, each edition has its own code. ‫بذاته��ا؛‬ ‫معن��ى‬ ‫تفي��د‬ ‫ال‬ ،‫الرتتي��ب‬ ‫عش��وائية‬ ،‫أح��رف‬ ‫ثالث��ة‬ ‫م��ن‬ ‫مك��ون‬ ‫رم��ز‬ 1 . 1 ‫ولكل‬ .‫إليها‬ ‫واإلش��ارة‬ ‫الوصول‬ ‫وتس��هيل‬ ‫املنش��ورات‬ ‫أرش��فة‬ ‫لغايات‬ ‫ابتكر‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫بطبعتني‬ ‫الصادرة‬ ‫املنشورات‬ ‫وخبصوص‬ .‫به‬ ‫خاص‬ ‫طلب‬ ‫رمز‬ ‫منشور‬ .‫بها‬ ‫خاص‬ ‫طلب‬ ‫رمز‬ ‫طبع��ة‬ ‫ل��كل‬ 2. In the case of a two-edition publication, the top code is con- nected to the first-mentioned edition according to its language, which is usually Arabic if the two editions are published in the same year, or the earlier edition of the release. ‫��ة‬ ‫بالطبع‬ ‫متص�ل�ا‬ ‫��وي‬ ‫العل‬ ‫��ز‬ ‫الرم‬ ‫��ون‬ ‫يك‬ ‫بطبعت�ي�ن‬ ‫��ادر‬ ‫الص‬ ‫��ور‬ ‫املنش‬ ‫��ة‬ ‫حال‬ ‫يف‬ 2 . 2 ‫كانت‬ ‫حال‬ ‫يف‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫اللغة‬ ‫عادة‬ ‫وتكون‬ ،‫لغتها‬ ‫حسب‬ ‫أوال‬ ‫ذكرت‬ ‫اليت‬ .‫��دور‬ ‫الص‬ ‫يف‬ ‫��بق‬ ‫األس‬ ‫��ة‬ ‫فالطبع‬ ‫وإال‬ ،‫��ا‬ ‫ذاته‬ ‫��نة‬ ‫الس‬ ‫يف‬ ‫صادرت�ي�ن‬ ‫��ان‬ ‫الطبعت‬ 3. In the case of a double-face publication, the cover image of the Arabic face appears. In the case of a two-print publication, the cover image of the Arabic edition would appear if both editions were issued in the same year, otherwise the cover image of the earlier released edition would appear first. There are some old publications that we could not access a copy that still retain their original cover, so the page image of title/ inside cover is displayed. .‫العربي��ة‬ ‫الواجه��ة‬ ‫غ�لاف‬ ‫ص��ورة‬ ‫تظه��ر‬ ‫بواجهت�ين‬ ‫الص��ادر‬ ‫املنش��ور‬ ‫حال��ة‬ ‫يف‬ 3 . 3 ‫حال‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫الطبعة‬ ‫غالف‬ ‫صورة‬ ‫تظهر‬ ‫بطبعتني‬ ‫الصادر‬ ‫املنشور‬ ‫حالة‬ ‫ويف‬ ‫الطبع��ة‬ ‫غ�لاف‬ ‫فص��ورة‬ ‫وإال‬ ،‫ذاته��ا‬ ‫الس��نة‬ ‫يف‬ ‫صادرت�ين‬ ‫الطبعت��ان‬ ‫كان��ت‬ ‫الوصول‬ ‫تعذر‬ ‫ال�تي‬ ‫القدمية‬ ‫املنش��ورات‬ ‫بع��ض‬ ‫وهنال��ك‬ .‫الص��دور‬ ‫يف‬ ‫األس��بق‬ ‫صفحة‬ ‫صورة‬ ‫عرض‬ ‫فج��رى‬ ،‫األصلي‬ ‫بغالفه��ا‬ ‫حتتف��ظ‬ ‫زال��ت‬ ‫م��ا‬ ‫نس��خة‬ ‫إىل‬ .‫الداخلي‬ ‫الغ�لاف‬ /‫العن��وان‬ 4. In the case of a two-edition publication that was not issued in the same year, the year of publication of the earlier edition is men- tioned first, followed by the year of the other edition. If the pub- lication does not indicate the year, an approximate year is placed within the brackets (mostly quoting the university , s automated system of libraries data). One publication was also estimated by the decade in which it was published (1970s). ‫السنة‬ ‫يف‬ ‫صادرتني‬ ‫الطبعتان‬ ‫تكن‬ ‫ومل‬ ،‫بطبعتني‬ ‫الصادر‬ ‫املنشور‬ ‫حالة‬ ‫يف‬ 4 . 4 .‫األخرى‬ ‫الطبعة‬ ‫سنة‬ ‫تليها‬ ‫ثم‬ ،‫أوال‬ ‫األسبق‬ ‫الطبعة‬ ‫نشر‬ ‫سنة‬ ‫تذكر‬ ،‫ذاتها‬ ‫داخل‬ ‫تقريبية‬ ‫س��نة‬ ‫وضع‬ ‫جرى‬ ،‫النش��ر‬ ‫لس��نة‬ ‫املنش��ور‬ ‫إش��ارة‬ ‫عدم‬ ‫حال‬ ‫ويف‬ .)‫اجلامعة‬ ‫ملكتبات‬ ‫اآللي‬ ‫النظام‬ ‫بيانات‬ ‫عن‬ ‫نقال‬ ‫الغالب‬ ‫(يف‬ ‫معقوفة‬ ‫أقواس‬ ‫ال��ذي‬ ‫العق��د‬ ‫خ�لال‬ ‫م��ن‬ ‫نش��ره‬ ‫س��نة‬ ‫تقري��ب‬ ‫ج��رى‬ ‫املنش��ورات‬ ‫أح��د‬ ‫أن‬ ‫كم��ا‬ .) 1970s( ‫فيه‬ ‫ص��در‬ 5. In the case of publications considered as chapters, the names of the authors of the chapters were not referred to, and only the name of the editor was mentioned. If the editor does not exist, the authors were referred to as a “Various Researchers”. Some publications did not include a reference to the names of authors. ‫ألمس��اء‬ ‫اإلش��ارة‬ ‫جت��ر‬ ‫مل‬ ،‫فص��ول‬ ‫كت��ب‬ ‫تعت�بر‬ ‫ال�تي‬ ‫املنش��ورات‬ ‫حال��ة‬ ‫يف‬ 5 . 5 ،‫موجودا‬ ‫يكن‬ ‫مل‬ ‫حال‬ ‫ويف‬ .‫احملرر‬ ‫اسم‬ ‫بذكر‬ ‫واكتفي‬ ،‫الفصول‬ ‫مؤلفي‬ ‫مل‬ ‫املنش��ورات‬ ‫بع��ض‬ ‫أن‬ ‫كم��ا‬ .»‫باحث�ين‬ ‫«جمموع��ة‬ ‫بعب��ارة‬ ‫للمؤلف�ين‬ ‫أش�ير‬ .‫مؤلفني‬ ‫ألمس��اء‬ ‫إش��ارة‬ ‫تتضم��ن‬ 18