جزو «بیست و دو» درس آموزشی از کتاب مقدّس «تاریکی در ظهر» | Page 23
John 20: 19 On the evening of that
day, the first day of the week, the
doors being locked where the
disciples were for fear of the
Jews,Jesus came and stood
among them and said to
them, “Peace be with you.”
20 When he had said this, he showed
them his hands and his side.
Then the disciples were glad when
they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said
to them again, “Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, even
so I am sending you.”
22 And when he had said this,
he breathed on them and said to
them, “Receive the Holy
Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of
any, they are forgiven them; if you
withhold forgiveness from any, it is
،روز همان شامگاه 19 : 20 يوحنا
آنگاه ،بود هفته روز نخستين که
و بودند هم گرد شاگردان که
،بود قفل يهوديان ترس از درها
ايشان ميان در و آمد عيسی
" ! شما بر سﻼم " : گفت و ايستاد
و دستها ،گفت را اين چون 20
. داد نشان آنان به را خود ﭘهلوی
شادمان خداوند ديدن با شاگردان
آنان به باز عيسی 21 . شدند
گونه همان ! شما بر سﻼم " : گفت
شما نيز من ،فرستاد مرا ﭘدر که
را اين چون 22 " . فرستم می را
القدس روح " : فرمود و دميد ،گفت
کسی گناهان اگر 23 . بيابيد را
بخشيده آنها بر ،ببخشاييد را
را کسی گناهان اگر و شد؛ خواهد
نابخشوده ،بگذاريد نابخشوده
". ماند خواهد