جزو «بیست و دو» درس آموزشی از کتاب مقدّس «اعتقاد نامه کلیسای کریستا دلفین» | Page 2
email: [email protected]
The following is a summary of what I confess and believe from my study of the Bible:
There is one God- not a trinity
Jesus Christ is the Son of God but not God Himself, and He did not physically exist before
His birth
Jesus Christ had our human nature and temptations and was tempted just as we are, but He
never sinned
I therefore and hereby take Him to me as my example, Lord and Saviour.
I understand that He is my representative. By going under the water I share in His death,
and die to sin, and by coming up out of the water of baptism, I unite myself with His
resurrection and am committed to trying to live a life like His.
I recognize that my real problem is my own temptations and sin, and I undertake to fight
against them, always asking myself ‘What would Jesus do?’. I realize that the devil or satan
refers to this ‘adversary’ to my salvation- not to a literal dragon or monster.
I believe that when I die, I will remain unconscious in the grave, until the Lord Jesus returns
to resurrect me and judge me. I do not have an ‘immortal soul’. By His grace I look forward
to being accepted in that day into His Kingdom which I believe will be literally established
here on earth.
I believe in the Holy Spirit as the power of God, not as a literal person.
I realize that death is the wages for sin, although ‘hell’ means only the grave and not a place
of torture or literal fire.
I believe salvation is by grace and not by works. God’s plan of salvation for me is revealed
in the Bible, which is infallibly inspired by God and which I am committed to continuing
studying daily.
I realize that there are many false doctrines circulating in the world under the name of
Christianity and I will seek to keep separate from these and to meet with other true believers
for fellowship and the breaking of bread.
I understand that I must seek to live a life in conformity to God’s expressed will in His
word. I recognize that marriage should be treated as a permanent bond in which God seeks
to join two people together as one flesh for life, and I will not break apart what God has
joined together, neither in my life nor in that of others. I realize that sex outside of marriage
and homosexuality are wrong.
I give my life now to the Lord Jesus Christ, to learning of Him and following Him, always
from now on asking myself ‘What would Jesus do?’ in all situations and feelings I am
confronted with in life.
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