Organizational Behavior
Business Foundation Disciplines
Financial Reporting Systems introduces generally accepted accounting principles and concepts along with the preparation and analysis of financial statements .
Financial Information for Management Planning and Control covers the use of financial information in management decision making . Topics include strategic profitability analysis , managerial incentives and performancemeasurement . The use of financial information for making decisions with regard to intangible assets , such as research and development and brands , will also be discussed .
Organizational Behavior
Leadership and Organizations uses cases and simulations to explore how theories of behavior apply to individuals and groups within organizations .
Leading the strategic change process focuses on key tasks in leading the strategic change process in organizations , creating a shared understanding of the present and desired states of the organization , creating a shared urgent need for change , a change vision , and the belief that change is possible and finally leading the change transition process .
Negotiation Strategies develops negotiation and dispute-resolution skills through simulations set in dyads , groups , and multilateral contexts within and between organizations and across cultures .
Strategic Crisis Management provides managers with conceptual tools to successfully master high-pressure , complex crisis scenarios . Topics include issue and media management , dealing with activists and interest groups , and surviving legal , legislative , and regulatory challenges .
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Human Resource Strategies provides an understanding of HR issues from the perspective of top-tier executives and policy-makers rather than from the perspective of the HR manager . Dayto-day human resource quandaries are discussed in the context of mainstream economic , psychological and sociological theory , all with an eye towards understanding the impact of such decisions on employees , organizational effectiveness , and the broader market and social context .
Incentives , Organization and Strategy offered by Kellogg Evanston
Leading High Impact Teams offered by Kellogg Evanston
Innovation Strategy and Management offered by Kellogg Evanston
Value Investing from an Economic Perspective offered by Kellogg-HKUST
Visualization for Persuasion offered by Kellogg Evanston
Business Foundation Disciplines
Managerial Economics explores the nature and determinants ( including market forces ) of decisions on profitmaximizing production and pricing .
The Macroeconomic Environment inspects the economic mechanisms and trends as well as cultural , social and political environments that shape economies , with an emphasis on countries of the Middle East .
Analytical Approach to Uncertainty introduces elementary probability theory as a tool for modeling uncertainty in business , with illustrations from decision theory and statistics .
Statistical Decision Analysis explores the use of sample data for purposes of estimating , predicting , forecasting and decision making .
Managers and the Legal Environment studies the legal environment in which international business organizations operate . The orientation of this course is practical employing actual cases and discussing real world situations . Topics include : Legal forms of business organizations ; contracts and crossborder contracts ; international sale of goods ; writing an international services contract ; dispute resolution mechanisms ; distinguishing between common law , civil law , and other legal systems around the world ; and how to optimize the use of inside and outside counsel .
World Economy offered by Kellogg Evanston
Biases and Forecasts Under Deep Uncertainty offered by Kellogg Miami
Creating and Managing Strategic Alliances offered by Kellogg Miami
Global Economic Development & the Business Environment in Europe offered by Kellogg-WHU
Marketing Management introduces the market-driven company and customer-focused organization , and presents current theories and practices of marketing management . It examines the topics of new product development , marketing resource allocation and competitive strategy .
Strategic Marketing Decisions uses a computer simulation to give students the experience of running a business , making marketing decisions and gaining support for their recommendations . Students working in teams are given a business to run . The challenge is to apply marketing concepts to deliver strong financial results and create a solid , ongoing business over the course of the simulation .
Marketing Strategy focuses on developing , refining , and executing the