« Դուք շատ հեռու կգնաք , երիտասարդ »: Ի դեպ , ՄԱՍՔՈն մեծ ճանաչման հասավ հիմնադրումից մոտ 30 տարի անց , մի պարզագույն հայտնագործության շնորհիվ ՝ միակողմանի ծորակի , որն արտադրում էր տաք և սառը ջուր : Արտաքին նմանության համար ծորակն ստացավ հունական դելտա տառի անունը : Դելտա ծորակը դարձավ ամենավաճառվող սանտեխնիկան , որն զգալի շահույթ բերեց ընկերությանը : Մինչև 1996 թ . ՄԱՍՔՈ ընկերությունը տիրապետում էր ծորակների ներքին շուկայի
In the crisis years of the 1930s , the two of the founders sօld their shares and Alex Manoogian became the only owner of MASCO . Despite all the difficulties , in 1936 Alex Manoogian ’ s company was quite large and was included in the securities market . In fact , it was the first company owned by an Armenian registered on the securities market . MASCO carried out orders for well-known Ford and Chrysler companies . During one of the difficult orders that had to be completed within short deadlines , after seeing the result , Henry Ford personally praised Manoogian and said , " You will go far , young man ." In fact , MASCO achieved great recognition about 30 years after its foundation , thanks to the simplest discovery - a new type of faucet — a single-handle variety adjusting hot and cold water with one lever . For external similarity , the faucet received the name of the Greek letter Delta . Delta faucet became the best-selling plumbing , which brought the company a significant profit . By 1996 , MASCO owned 38 % of the domestic faucet market . To date , the company produces Delta faucets of various prices and types , with the monthly sales exceeding one million dollar . In 1931 , Alex Manoogian married Marie Tatian in New York . They had two children , Louise ( Simon ) and Richard , who later continued their father ' s business . Marie Manoogian was a faithful life companion and supported her husband in all his initiatives until her death in 1993 .
In the 1930s , Alex Manoogian joined the Armenian General Benevolent Union ( AGBU ) and the Union of Vardanants Knights . In 1940 , he was elected the Senior Commander of