журнал ARTCARPET ArtCarpet #6 2021 ENG | Page 57

CONTEMPORARY ART CODE several exhibitions . It is always an endless living process . Each work in its own way , in an amazing way , finds life for itself . For example , the image of the sculpture Insomnia was created in a dream . It is an image of a stingray with many eyes . I was preparing for the exhibition after a long break . There was a lot of work and I lived in a workshop . I wanted to show constant movement . But the image was not visualized in the head . On another busy day , I went to bed at about 3 or 4 am , I could not sleep for a long time , I was tormented by insomnia , thoughts in my head ... In a dream , an image came to me . I took a nap , probably for an hour or two . I had a clear idea of the sculpture , in which one can see a vigilant movement of thought .
Sometimes I can look at a picture , illustration and find something else in it , a very interesting technique when you turn the image over , or mentally cut it into fragments and try to find associations . Endless inspiration and foundation of ideas is , of course , nature . This is such a wealth that nothing beats ! And every time I want to be closer to it , to be inside . It seems to me that humanity moves away from nature every day , forget fundamental principle . This is also my work .
►Do you have a favourite work ? What material do you like to work with and why ?
- I love all works but in their own way . But there are , of course , those works that at first glance attract attention . These are the previously mentioned The Boy with the Sword , Astonished 2 , Princess and many others . Among last works , this is the sculpture Ayu Bala . It has so many meanings and cultural layers , secrets , that I will find something new in it for a long time . This is why sculpture is valuable to me . Each new day I live with it a period of time , and it gives me food for thought . Every day it is different , unknown and at the same time very familiar . It is not necessary to determine what sculpture will become the main . As soon as I do this , the meaning will be lost in everything . I am glad that I have the opportunity to do my favourite job .
►What knowledge is needed to be an artist of contemporary art ?
- I think that creator needs basic knowledge , abilities to draw , feel the rhythm , and master the composition and others . This is one 100 % basis . You are contemporary when you feel time . A contemporary artist is absolutely mobile , a perpetual motion machine . Another creator is like a harvester . He also includes and performs many actions . If he does not possess one of them , then his field is narrowed . What else does he need ? Probably this is a dream , like any person . He also needs trust in himself . Since he is at the forefront and ahead of his time ( and this cannot be avoided if he is a good creator ), he will come up with something new . At first something new will not be accepted by many , will be given harsh criticism . This requires trust so that your world is not broken at the beginning of your career . To be honest , it is very difficult , when you are “ alone in the field ”.
Without a doubt , a contemporary creator studies every minute , masters new things . I have difficulties with this . The world offers so many new things that I get lost in all this .
The Birth of the Hero
DECEMBER ’ 21 C A R P E T 57