Hellow! We are the pupils from an elementary school in Serbia. Our school was named after a historical event which had taken place at the end of the World War Two, called The Syrmian front. We have more than 600 pupils and around 60 teachers.
Our school is very active and we participate in a huge number of contests in all areas: art, sports, science, ecology, ICT, etc.
Our menthors, Mrs Miljanovic and Mrs Eric have been teaching us some new facts about mixing of two languages: english and serbian. On the internet we found out that there are a few new terms for this mixture: serbish, anglosrpski, srbinglish, globish…
The fact is that a lot of new words entered from english into almost all other languages on the planet Earth. This mainly happened because of the spreading of computers around the globe.
For this MICROSOFT EXPERT EDUCATOR contest we organized eight workshops using the Bloom’s taxonomy. Benjamin Bloom (born in 1956) developed a classification of levels of intellectual behavior in learning. This taxonomy contained three overlapping domains: the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.
Within the cognitive domain, he identified six levels: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These domains and levels we used for the planning of our workshops because they develop the critical thinking skills.
Critical thinking involves logical thinking and reasoning including skills such as comparison, classification, sequencing, cause and effect, patterning, webbing, analogies, deductive and inductive reasoning, forecasting, planning, hypothesizing and critiquing.
Creative thinking involves creating something new or original. It involves the skills of flexibility, originality, fluency, elaboration, brainstorming, modification, imagery, associative thinking, attribute listing, metaphorical thinking, forced relationships. The aim of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity and promote divergence. That’s what we wanted to succeed with our workshops.
When we wanted to learn something new and build new knowledge we collect (we collected new words which we heard online, while playing Minecraft and other games); we describe, identify or define, we tell and examine, and record. Now we are recording the results of our workshops, and we are doing it in English, so more people in the world could understand our project.
When we want to enhance our comprehension, we compare and associate, like we did when we compared games, trends, passions, medias or magazines. We contrast, group and summarize, just like we are summarizing now.
When we want to find an application for what we learn, we apply and illustrate, we demonstrate (now we are demonstrating to you the level of our English language skills), we articulate, experiment, we discover, relate, prepare and produce. We report, and we are reporting to you everything.
The first workshop was dedicated to the dearest game of our boys this summer – Minecraft. Our boys played this game and collected words, mostly of english origin, but some of them were a combination of english and serbian words. We wanted to find out what they think – do they make their mother tongue richer or poorer.
After playing and collecting the words, the boys had made a dictionary of the words they had collected.
The second workshop was dedicated to all the other games we play on the internet. The assignments were given before playing, and after the playing we discussed and analyzed, contrasted and explained our ideas about playing computer games.
The third workshop was dedicated to the global activity of RAINBOW LOOM, making objects out of colored strings. We discussed the trend of it, and made some creations of our own. We plan to make an exibition of all the products made on our workshops.
Next three workshops were dedicated to media, internet, trending challenges like „ice bucket challenge“, social networks. We compared medias, expressed our oppinions, collaborated on making the visual learning tools, generalized, composed articles about those topics, and speculated about the importance of media in our lives.
The last workshop was dedicated to translating in English. We had to translate in English everything we did, so that we can present our work to you. We hope that you like our effort to develop our creativity and our critical thinking. Thank you for your time.
текст превели ученици секције за енглески језик са наставницом Маријом Ерић
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