Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 79
Стр. 115–123
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Natalia V. Kolesnikova a, Nikolai G. Kolesnikov b, Viktoria S. Plotnikova c
Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Rep. of Karelia, Russia);
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer; e-mail: [email protected];
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of Institute of Economics of Karelian
Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences; e-mail: [email protected];
PhD in Pedagogical, Senior Lecturer; e-mail: [email protected]
The article investigates the forms and principles of involving intangible cultural heritage in tourism development
thought the example of the Republic of Karelia. Various forms of intangible cultural heritage are presented according to
the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003. Forms of using of intangible cultural heritage in the framework of the various types of tourism organization are explored through the certain examples.
The authors consider 4 conditions of legend’s involvement in the service process in the territory of tourism destination
according to the «Scheherazade strategy» by Christian Salmon: (1) submission of natural and cultural heritage through
the history / legend; (2) certain time of story / legend providing; (3)«message» of tourism destinations; (4) creation of
information field on the Internet. The authors specify the 3rd point and formulated it as «formation of cultural anchor»
that should «tie» specific local legend to places and objects located in the territory.
The intangible cultural heritage involvement in the process of tourist services organization is considered by the example
of the Karelian-Finnish epic poem «Kalevala», consisting of 50 runes (the Republic of Karelia). Experience of the «Ka levala» epic poem involvement in tourism is considered: tourism routes development, creating and adaptation of legends,
development of event and adventure tourism. The possibility of implementing the updated «Scheherazade strategy» by
the example of the epic poem «Kalevala» is investigated. As the research result, the authors propose an annual role –
playing game «Kalevala. Amazing adventure» as the new actual form of promotion «Kalevala» epic poem. This project
was developed by students and lectures of Tourism Department of Petrozavodsk State University and included to the
Small Deal Strategy of Kalevala region of the Republic of Karelia.
This article was prepared as part of the scientific activities of the Strategic Development Program of Petrozavodsk State
University for 2012–2016.
Keywords: tourism economy, intangible cultural heritage, regional tourism, Kalevala epic poem, the Republic of Karelia.