Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 42

Стр. 55–63 Жиленко Вилена Юрьевна – включение ряда территорий, где выявлены объекты нематериального культурного наследия Белгородской облас ти, в  международную сеть культурной туриндустрии. Для вовлечения нематериального культурного наследия Белгородского региона в сферу туризма необходимо проводить следующие мероприятия: – создание узнаваемого бренда Белгородского региона; – вовлечение туристов в  народные обряды, ремесла, промыслы, фестивали, фольклорные мероприятия, календарные события; – создание электронного каталога всех объектов нематериального культурного наследия, с их подробным описанием. Список источников: 1. Единый реестр объектов нематериального культурного наследия Белгородской области / Сост. и науч. ред. В.А. Котеля. Белгород: ГУК «БГЦНТ», 2010. 182 стр. 2. Житенёв С.Ю. Управление объектами культурного наследия: научные, методологические и практические аспекты // Вопросы культурологии. 2015. № 7. С. 18–28. 3. Миронова Т.Н. Наследие как социокультурный феномен // Вопросы культурологии. 2013. № 12. С. 94–98. 4. Artun E. Exhibition in the Museum of Village of Theatrical Cultural Heritage. Exhibition in the Museum of Intangible Cultural Heritage Symposium Booklet. 2004. Pp. 147–151. 5. Baldwin P., Fleming K. Teaching Literacy through Drama Creative Approaches. Londra: Routledge Falmer, 2003. 6. Bendix R. Heritage between Economy and Politics: An Assessment from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology. Londra: Routledge Falmer, 2009. Pp. 253–269. 7. Ekici M. Afterwards of a Symposium: Exhibiting the Intangible Cultural Heritage in a Museum // Milli Folklor. № 61. 2004. Pp. 5–13. Vilena Yu. Zhilenko Belgorod State National Research University (Russia); PhD of Biology, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected] INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF BELGOROD REGION: PROBLEMS OF INVOLVING IN THE TOURISM SECTOR The article substantiates the necessity for discovering and preservation the intangible cultural heritage and the importance of the developing the legal framework in the field of intangible cultural heritage. The author gives recommendation how to increase the flow of tourists through their learning the intangible cultural heritage and involvement in the rituals and festive events, folk arts and crafts. The article analyzes not only a positive effect on the intangible cultural heritage, but also presents the factors of negative impact. The recommendations how to reduce and minimize their impact are given. The analysis of the problems of involving intangible cultural heritage of Belgorod region in tourism is the aim of the study. This revealed development prospects of such types of tourism as ethnographic and event tourism. Based on the existing inventory of intangible cultural heritage of Belgorod region the author assesses the potential for tourism development based on intangible cultural heritage. The most promising areas of Belgorod region, having the greatest potential for development of tourism based on intangible cultural heritage, are selected. The most valuable objects of intangible cultural heritage of Rakityansky and Chernyansky districts with the greatest potential for tourism based on the intangible cultural heritage are described and identified. Analysis of the major problems of involving the intangible cultural heritage of Belgorod region in tourism has been carried out. Statistical methods, theoretical and problem analysis are the main for the study. As the research result, the set of measures to preserve and secure involvement of the intangible cultural heritage in tourism of Belgorod region has been developed. Keywords: intangible cultural heritage; Belgorod region; the sphere of tourism; ethnographic tourism; event tourism; inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of Belgorod region. References: 1. A single register of intangible cultural heritage of Belgorod Region / Comp. and Ed. V.A. Kotelia. Belgorod: GUK «BGTSNT», 2010. 182 p. (In Russ.). 62