Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#4 | Page 58
Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
Таким образом, можно констатировать большое значение развития этнографического туризма для возрождения
№ 4/2015 Том 9
и развития народно-художественных промыслов в Татарстане.
Список источников:
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3. Казань вошла в список лучших туристических направлений мира на 2015 год / Государственный комитет Республики Татарстан по туризму. 13.11.2014. URL:// http://tourism.tatarstan.ru/rus/
index.htm/news/357170.htm (Дата обращения: 09.07.2015).
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6. Татарский национальный праздник Сабантуй. URL: http://million-questions.ru/kak-proxoditnastoyashhij-sabantuj.html (Дата обращения: 16.09.2015).
7. Старо-Татарская слобода. URL: http://companionsp.ru/otdyix-v-tatarstane/o-kazani/neobxodimoposetit/gorod-kazan-kuda-pojti.html (Дата обращения: 16.09.2015).
8. Интерактивное представление в Бибарс-сарае. URL: http://bibarssaray.ru/galereya/foto/
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9. Ресторанно-развлекательный комплекс «Туган авылым» в г. Казани. URL: http://kudago.com/kzn/
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10. Татарский головной убор – тюбетейка. URL: http://islamicstore.ru/atributika/3245-tyubetejka-statarskimi-ornamentami-rasshita-biserom-pod-salavat.html (Дата обращения: 16.09.2015).
11. Татарские сапоги – ичиги. URL: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3366971/post172921366 (Дата
обращения: 16.09.2015).
Lada N. Rozanova, Natalia G. Kulyagina, Alfiya A. Mustafina
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism
(Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia); 1 PhD in Geography, Associate Professor;
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer; 3 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
The article considers the role of ethnographic tourism in the support and development of national artistic trades of
the Republic of Tatarstan. The analysis of the development of the tourism industry and infrastructure in the Republic
of Tatarstan is carried out; the significance of tourist policy in the Republic and its results is estimated. The potential
for the development of ethnographic tourism in the Republic is explored. It includes: folk holidays and other national
events, festivals, historical and architectural reserve and museums and other centers of ethnographic tourism Tatar,
Russian, Chuvash, Mari, and other peoples that live in the Republic. Much attention is given to the traditional national
artistic trades of the Republic: a mosaic of leather and fur, leather and painted lettering, embroidery; gold embroidery,
beadwork; applications; lace products; art processing of wood and other plant materials, production of artistic ceramics
and silver jewelry and others. Special focus is on measures to revive the lost species and endangered national artistic
trades of the peoples of Tatarstan.
A number of problems of national artistic trades of Tatarstan are revealed. Among them: a complicated financial and
economic situation, higher depreciation and obsolescence of the technical base, decline in demand for authentic art
works, forgery and production of low quality, as well as fragmentation of masters, duplication of similar products, the
aging masters folk arts and crafts and the threat of loss of artistic and stylistic peculiarities and traditions.
It noted that ethnograhic tourism has a tremendous impact on support and development of national artistic trades in
the Republic.
Keywords: ethnographic tourism, national artistic trades, national customs and traditions, Tatarstan.