Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#4 | Page 50
Голубчиков Сергей Николаевич, Плисецкий Евгений Евгеньевич, Хетагурова Валерия Шотаевна
6. Самойленко А.А. География туризма. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2006. 368 с.
7. Теория и практика туризма. Вопросы географии / Отв. ред. В.М. Котляков, В.И. Кружалин,
Н.В. Шабалина. Сб. 139. М.: Издательский дом «Кодекс», 2014. 472 с.
8. Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ. Ханты-Мансийск, 2015. 56 с.
9. Этнографический туризм в России. URL: http://rusotourism.ru/etnograficheskiy-turizm-v-rossii.html
(Дата обращения: 1 октября 2015).
Sergey N. Golubchikov1, Evgeny E. Plisetsky2, Valeriya Sh. Khetagurova3
National Research University «Higher School of Economics» (Moscow, Russia);
PhD in Geography, Associate Professor; 3 Russian State Social University
(branch in Dedovsk, Russia); PhD in Geography Associate Professor
Ethnographic tourism in the modern world, particularly in Russia, in the last decade is relevant, because it allows not
only to touch the originins of national culture of own people, but also to learn the culture of other nations. Russia has an
extremely ethno-cultural diversity of tourism resources. But they are not sufficiently used as a meaningful kind of tourism that attracts tourists in our country. The Arctic is becoming increasingly attractive for ecological and ethnographic
tourism. In the Russian Arctic there are more than 30 small indigenous peoples, they have retained a distinctive culture,
knowledge how to survive in extreme environments, the traditional skills of sparing natural resources, the ability to live
in harmony with the environment. Ethnographic tourism in the North of Russia is considered one of the most promising.
The article presents the materials collected during the trip in the Berezovskiy district of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous
Okrug in June 2015, where the authors conducted a survey among the population and government officials about existence and implementation of a program for developing ecological and ethnographic tourism. The way of organization
of ethnographic tourism in Berezovsky district was studied; the role of national tribal community (NRA) in this process
was determined.
There are 475 traditional territories of indigenous peoples of the North in Yugra. They are able to offer visitors the opportunity to acquaintance with the life and lifestyle of the indigenous population, visiting homes and places of worship
and participation in folk rituals, colorful folklore performances, stay in real chum, to go to the camp of reindeer herders,
a ride on a reindeer sled, learn the secrets of the national cuisine. The experience of the activities of tourist-ethnographic
complex «Sorni Say,» which acquaints visitors with the culture of the North, organizes and conducts various activities
and programs, manufactures souvenirs, organizes seminars and workshops for arts and crafts is considered.
Keywords: ethnographic tourism, Arctic, indigenous peoples of the North, an ethnographic complex, tribal community,
Berezovskiy district of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
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9. Etnograficheskij turizm v Rossii [Ethnographic Tourism in Russia]. URL: http://rusotourism.ru/etnograficheskiyturizm-v-rossii.html (Accessed on October 1, 2015).