Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#4 | Page 30

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма № 4/2015   Том 9 Danhaa Enhtayvan1, Oksana V. Evstropeva2, 1 Institute of Geography MAN; Ph.D. (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) 2 V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS (Irkutsk, Russia); PhD in Geography, Senior Researcher TRANS-BOUNDARY TOURISM IN MONGOLIA Mongolia is the unique country in tourist sense. It’s situated in the center of the continent. The distance between the mongolian capital (UlaanBaatar) and the centers of the adjacent states (Russia, China, Kazakhstan) reaches thousands kilometers. Severe sharp continental climate and lack of sea resorts are characteristic for Mongolia. Thus, tourist attractiveness of Mongolia is defined by its natural and cultural exclusiveness. The main principle of tourism development in Mongolia consists in combination of nature-protection and recreational functions of the territories, which are most attractive for tourists. The structure of the tourist arrivals in to country is characterized by considerable prevalence of visitors from neighboring China and Russia. In this regard the development of cross-border tourism became one of the most important directions for the cooperation with adjacent regions. The trans-boundary tourism means the interdependent and coordinated recreational development of the territories that belong to certain cross-border corridors (points of border control). Formation of tourist streams, the centers of border trade and infrastructure depend on their location, status and capacity. The central part of Russian-Mongolian cross-border tourist space is presented by unique natural object  – ​the basin of Baikal Lake. The network of special protected natural areas is dated for it. The role which special protected areas play for Mongolian tourism is illustrated by the example of Hovsgol national park. The developed system of conservation can be considered not only as the most important direction of bilateral cooperation, but also as one of the most important factors of the territorial organization of tourism. Creation of cross-border SPNAs, development of transport infrastructure, giving of the international status to cross-border transitions, and also implementation of the bilateral agreement about the visa-free tourist exchange also promote for development of trans-boundary tourism. Keywords: Mongolia, Lake Baikal basin, transborder tourism, special protected natural areas, ecotourism. References: 1. Sojol, sport, ajalal zhuulchlalyn salbaryn lavlah [Culture, Sports and Tourism industry directory]. Ulaanbaatar: Culture, Sports and Tourism; Tourism National, 2013. 285 p. 2. Oyungerel B., Munkhdulam O. Sovremennoe sostojanie osobo ohranjaemyh prirodnyh territorij Mongolii [Present status of specially protected natural territories of Mongolia] // Geografija i prirodnye resursy [Geography and natural resources]. 2011. Iss. 2. PP. 168–172. 3. International tourism, number of arrivals // World Bank data Base. URL: http://search.worldbank.org/ data?qterm=tourism (Accessed on February 13, 2015). 4. Mongolian Statistical Yearbook, 2012. Ulaanbaatar: National Statistical Office of Mongolia, 2013. 460 p. 5. WTTC Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2014: Mongolia. London: World Travel & Tourism Council, 2015. 18 p. URL: http://www.wttc.org/focus/research-for-action/economic-impact-analysis/country-reports/ (Accessed on February 13, 2015). ТУРДАЙДЖЕСТ ТРЕНДЫ РОСТА МИРОВОЙ ТУРИСТИЧЕСКОЙ ОТРАСЛИ Всемирный совет по туризму и  путешествиям (ВСТП) опубликовал доклад, из которого следует, что туристическая отрасль в  2014 г. принесла в  экономику Европы €1,8 трлн. ($2,1 трлн.), что в  2,6 раза больше вклада добывающих отраслей ($796 млн.) и в 1,8 раза превышает вклад банковского сектора ($1,2 трлн.). Доля туризма в европейском ВВП составила 9,2%. В докладе отмечено, что турбизнес занимает второе место по темпам роста в Европе после финансового сектора и в ближайшее десятилетие составит 2,8% в год. Туризм в европейских странах обеспечивает 35 млн. рабочих мест. По материалам сайта «RTourNews» http://rtournews.ru (дата обращения: 09.10.2015) 43