Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#2 | Seite 42
Афанасьев Олег Евгеньевич
For the development of mass tourism in a particular region (tourist center) requires a certain concentration of the elements of culture. This condition is executed on the space of the Northern Moscow region, defined as a priority area of
tourism development. The quantitative measurement of tourism and recreation base in the region is quite comparable
with individual countries. Therefore, the region has a special importance and position among the tourist centers of
Moscow region, a priority in its positioning on domestic and international tourism markets. But while the «shadow»
of Moscow-city, rich tourist and recreation base near Moscow is not enough demand in the domestic market of tourist
services. This is the problem of the need to find ways and means of attracting new tourists to the region, to ensure a
stable dynamics of quantitative growth.
Depending on the distribution of tourists and the development potential we have identified areas of specialization of
the tourist complex of each municipal area, all of which allows you to determine the range of tourist services, which can
be their specialty.
The review of attractions and tourist complex resource component Klinskiy, Dmitrovskiy, Taldomskiy, Solnechnogorskiy
districts. The conclusion about the importance of and the need for close cooperation between the municipal administrations and representatives of the scientific and practical sphere. It is of great importance in the development of software
and integrated strategies for the development of regional tourist complex in order to integrate them into a single regional tourism cluster.
Keywords: Northern Moscow region, tourist complex, tourist resources of the Northern Moscow region, the region of
the priority tourism development, destination, attractions.
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