Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 63

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма №1/2015 Том 9 2. Распоряжение Совета министров Республики Крым от 25.09.2014 №956-р, проект Государственной программы развития курортов и туризма в Республике Крым на 2015–2017 гг. 3. Данные Министерства курортов и туризма Республики Крым. 4. Сайт Совета министров Республики Крым. www.rk.gov.ru (дата обращения: 18.01.2015). 5. Foster K. Regional impulses // Journal of Urban Affairs. 1997. Vol. 19. №4. P. 44–46. 6. Харвей Дж. Модели развития пространственных систем в географии человека. М.: Просвещение, 1971. 251 с. 7. Хаггет П. География: синтез современных знаний. М.: Наука, 1986. 146 с. Igor Dishlovoy Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol, Russia PhD (Doctor of Science) in Economic, Professor, [email protected] STATUS, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEALTH RESORT AND TOURIST INDUSTRY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA The article highlights the strategic goal of the development of the Republic of Crimea (RC), part of the health resort and tourism industry and has set a target of achieving the strategic objectives of the region’s development. The analysis of statistical data on collective accommodation, selected problems of development of health resorts and tourist complexes of the RC is suggested. Highlighted is the question about creating the infrastructure for the development of six tourist and recreational clusters, and identified are the priority tasks of the state programs of the RC in the medium term (2015–2017 years). The clusters will be implemented in the period from 2015 to 2020. Total funding for the creation of clusters in the RC from the Federal budget is 28 160,7 million rubles. Funds will be used to work on the creation of the associated engineering infrastructure on the territory of each TRC. The implementation of the clusters involves the construction of tourist infrastructure at the expense of investors. Analyzed is the distribution of tourists by country of arrivals in the RC in the transition period 2014 Reflected positive trends in the work of the Ministry of resorts and tourism of the RC, together with the Federal Agency for tourism of the Russian Federation and Single transport Directorate to ensure transport accessibility of other regions of Russia with RC. The article stresses basic problems of the health resort and tourist industry in a difficult transition period, the main of which are problems of transport logistics and delivery of tourists to the territory of the Crimean Peninsula. This problem today is being solved. The author proposes solutions for other important issues. Keywords: the health resort and tourism industry, analysis, problems and prospects of development of the region References 1. Federal’naia tselevaia programma «Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskoe razvitie Respubliki Krym i g. Sevastopolia do 2020 goda» [The Federal Target Program “Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020”]. 2. Rasporiazhenie Soveta ministrov Respubliki Krym ot 25.09.2014 №956-r, proekt Gosudarstvennoi programmy razvitiia kurortov i turizma v Respublike Krym na 2015–2017 gg. [Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea from 25.09.2014 №956-p, a project of the State program of development of resorts and tourism of the Republic of Crimea for 2015–2017]. 3. Dannye Ministerstva kurortov i turizma Respubliki Krym [Data of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea]. 4. Sait Soveta ministrov Respubliki Krym [Site of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea]. www.rk.gov.ru (data obrashcheniia: 18.01.2015) [Accessed on January 18, 2015]. 5. Foster, K. Regional impulses // Journal of Urban Affairs. 1997. Vol. 19. №4. Р. 44–46. 6. Kharvei, Dzh. Modeli razvitiia prostranstvennykh sistem v geografii cheloveka [Models of spatial systems in human geography]. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1971. 251 p. 7. Khagget, P. Geografiia: sintez sovremennykh znanii [Geography: a synthesis of current knowledge]. M.: Nauka, 1986. 146 p. 59