Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 54

Абдулхаиров А.З. Crimea declared such fundamental principles, as equal possibilities, «transparency», borrowing of the best experience of other regions of Russian Federation, are also marked. Major directions of activities on the improvement of investment climate should become: final transition of tourism and recreation industry of Crimea into the legal field of the Russian Federation; creation of a free economic zone (a zone of priority development) with a preferential tax system; synchronization of existent investment projects with the Federal Target Program «Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until the 2020»; maintaining social and political stability in the region and overcoming negative consequences of the international sanctions, imposed on by a number of countries of Europe, North America and Pacific region. Keywords: investment project, investment climate, tourism, recreation, SWOT-analysis, Crimea References 1. Spravochnaia informatsiia o kolichestve turistov, posetivshikh Respubliku Krym za 2014 god [Background information on the number of tourists visiting the Republic of Crimea in 2014]. http:// minkurort.ru/images/2015/Statistika/2014%20_Statistika.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 15.01.2015) [Accessed on January 15, 2015]. 2. Morais, D., Backman, S., Dorsch, M. Toward the Operationalization of Resource Investments Made between Customers and Providers of a Tourism Service // Journal of Travel Research. 2003. Vol. 41, No.4. Р. 362–374. 3. Endo, K. Foreign direct investment in tourism — flows and volumes // Tourism management: research — policies — practice. 2006. Vol. 27, №4. Р. 600–614. 4. Claude, D., Zaccour, G. Investment in tourism market and reputation // Journal of Public Economic Theory. 2009. Vol. 11. №5. Р. 797–817. 5. Abdukhaіrov, A.Z. Іnvestitsіina polіtika iak іnstrument rozvitku turists’ko-rekreatsіinogo kompleksu Krimu // Іnvestitsії: praktika ta dosvіd. 2011. №8. Р. 8–10. 6. Polukhina, A.N., Talalaev, M.V. K voprosu o privlechenii investitsii v sferu turizma na regional’nom urovne [On the issue of attracting investment in tourism at the regional level] // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniia. 2012. №4. Р. 212–220. 7. Chernenko, V.A., Fedorova, S.V., Fedosov V.A. Rol’ investitsii v razvitii turizma [The role of investment in tourism development] // Teoriia i praktika servisa: ekonomika, sotsial’naia sfera, tekhnologii. 2012. №1. Р. 105–110. 8. Federal’nyi zakon «Ob investitsionnoi deiatel’nosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii osushchestvliaemoi v forme kapital’nykh vlozhenii» (№39-FZ ot 25.02.1999 g.) [Federal Law “On Investment Activity of the Russian Federation carried out in the form of capital investments» (№39-FZ of 25.02.1999)]. http://base. garant.ru/12114699/ (data obrashcheniia: 08.01.2015) [Accessed on January 8, 2015]. 9. Investitsionnaia deklaratsiia Respubliki Krym [The Investment Declaration of the Republic of Crimea]. http://minek.rk.gov.ru/file/invest_dek.pdf (data obrashcheniia: 08.01.2015) [Accessed on January 8, 2015]. 10. Investitsionnye predlozheniia [Investment offers]. http://tppcrimea.ru/action/invest (data obrashcheniia: 08.01.2015) [Accessed on January 8, 2015]. 11. Tematicheskii park prikliuchenii «Dinolend» [Adventure theme park “Dinolend”]. http://investin-crimea.ru/project_info.php?s_branch_id=3&panel_show=2&search_type=branch&project_ id=549&factory_id=221&invest_area_id= (data obrashcheniia: 08.01.2015) [Accessed on January 8, 2015]. 12. Krymskii park razvlechenii «Meganom Park» [Crimean amusement park «Meganom Park»]. http:// investrk.ru/ru/investors/investdb/investitsionnye-predlozheniya-rassmotrennye-na-investitsionnomsovete/item/13-meganom-park (data obrashcheniia: 08.01.2015) [Accessed on January 8, 2015]. 13. Priamі іnvestitsії u 2013 r. [Direct investment of 2013]. Ekspres-vipusk Golovnogo upravlіnnia statistiki v AR Krim. №187 ot 14.02.2014 g. 14. Priamye investitsii v I kvartale 2014 g. [Direct investment in the I quarter of 2014]. Ekspress-vypusk sluzhby statistiki Respubliki Krym. №612 ot 15.05.2014 g. 15. Priamye investitsii v Respubliku Krym vo II kvartale 2014 g. [Direct investment in the Republic of Crimea in the II quarter 2014]. Ekspress-vypusk Territorial’nogo organa Federal’noi sluzhby gosudarstvennoi statistiki po Respublike Krym (Krymstat). №997 ot 14.08.2014 g. 16. Priamye investitsii v Respubliku Krym v III kvartale 2014 g. [Direct investments in the Republic of Crimea in the III quarter of 2014]. Ekspress-vypusk Territorial’nogo organa Federal’noi sluzhby gosudarstvennoi statistiki po Respublike Krym (Krymstat). №NG-01-5-07/196–SD ot 14.11.2014 g. 50