Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 28
Мерзлякова Г.В., Баталова Л.В.
Galina Merzlyakova1,
Larisa Batalova2
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia
PhD (Doctor of Science) in History, Professor, [email protected];
PhD (Candidate of Science) in History, Associate Professor, [email protected]
(Vyatka province is taken as an example)
Basing on the archives’ documents the article looks at the practice of organization of excursions for
students to the Crimea in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Excursion tourist
experience of educational institutions in Vyatskaya province, Elabuga girls’ school in particular, is taken
as an example to show the way how cultural and educational excursions for students to the Crimea were
organized. Detailed account of one of the excursions to the Crimea, published in Vyatskaya diocesan record
by one of the students, reveals the role of the Crimean mountain club in the development of cultural
and educational excursions for students. All the excursions were arranged in accordance with specially
designed programmers under the supervision of the members of the Crimean club and were aimed at
familiarizing students with natural and historical monuments in the Crimea. The article gives an example
of one excursion itinerary. The author looks into innovative activities of the Crimean mountain club within
the tourism industry of the given period. When looking at the Crimean mountain club activities, special
attention is paid to its Yalta branch. Yalta branch pioneered organization of excursions for students in
Russia. At that time student excursions were one-day trips in the vicinity of Yalta. Much attention is given
to the main directions in the work of the Crimean mountain club branch in Yalta, that contributed to the
development and popularization of cultural and educational excursions for students, to designing new
itineraries and routes (walking, riding, sea, carriage and combined excursions). Moreover Yalta branch
negotiated intensely with the suppliers of horses and carriage owners of accommodation and did their best
to make excursions for students cheaper.
Keywords: excursions for students, the Crimea, the Crimean mountain club, Yalta branch of the Crimean
mountain club
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