Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 21

Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№ 1 / 2015 Том 9
6 . Письмо А . А . Бурылиной . Севастополь . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 . 83987 / 4 . 7 . Письмо Д . Г . Бурылину . Севастополь . 1905 г . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 . ИГОИРМ
63790 / 27 . 8 . Письмо Бурылиным . Ялта . 20 марта 1915 г . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 . ИГОИРМ
63790 / 20 . 9 . Гостиница « Метрополь . http :// oldyalta . com / 21-gostinnica-metropol . html ( дата обращения :
10.01.2015 ). 10 . Гостиница « Метрополь » и ливадийский дворец — « дети » одного отца . http :// oldyalta . com / 22- gostinica-metropol-i-livadiyskiy-dvorec-deti-odnogo-otca . html ( дата обращения : 10.01.2015 ). 11 . Письмо Бурылиным . Ялта . 22 авг . 1911 г . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 . 63790 / 33 . 12 . Гостиница « Россия ». http :// oldyalta . com / 66-gostinica-rossiya-luchshaya-iz-luchshih . html ( дата обращения : 10.01.2015 ).
13 . Лядышев Д . Цены и жалования в России в начале XX века . http :// www . talers . ru / index . php ? option = com _ content & view = article & id = 81 & Itemid = 108 & showall = 1 ( дата обращения : 15.02.2015 ). 14 . Письмо Бурылиным . Ялта . 24 авг . 1907 г . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 . 85228 / 12 . 15 . Письмо А . А . Бурылиной . Феодосия . 17 сент . 1910 г . ИГИКМ им . Д . Г . Бурылина . Ф . 53 . Оп . 3 .
63790 / 52 . 16 . « Я надеюсь , что это пригодится ...» ( Д . Г . Бурылин ) / под общ . ред . Д . Л . Орлова . — Иваново : Издатель Епишева О . В ., 2011 . 176 с .
Denis Dokuchaev 1 , Natalya Dokuchaeva 2 Head of the Department of Museum Tourism of the Burilin Ivanovo State Museum , Ivanovo , Russia
PhD in Philosophy , Doctoral Candidate at Ivanovo State University , den-dokuchaev @ mail . ru ;
PhD in History , Researcher , natdok85 @ gmail . com
JOURNEY AS AN OPENING OF SPACE : THE CRIMEAN VACATIONS OF THE LATE 19 th — THE EARLY 20 th CENTURY ( by the example of the family of Dmitriy Burilin , Ivanovo-Voznyesensk manufacturer and Maecenas )
At the beginning of the nineteenth century journeys to the Crimea had only been coming into fashion among the Russian nobility , and by the end of the century this tendency had spread beyond aristocratic avocations . The Crimea became popular among merchants and manufacturers , philistines and clerks . The article studies the circumstances of the Crimean vacations of the family of Dmitriy Burilin at the turn of the nineteenth — the twentieth century ’ s . Dmitriy Burilin ( 1852 – 1924 ) was a manufacturer , Maecenas , collector , and founder of a museum in Ivanovo-Voznyesensk . He was a distinguished public figure of the Russian province at the turn of the centuries . His family travelled a lot through the country and abroad . The Crimea was a favorite place of the Burilins ’ vacations . While at the very beginning of the 1900s the Crimean peninsula had served as a starting point of their voyages through Southern Europe ( by the steamships of the Russian company of trade and steamship in Sevastopol ), in the 1910s the Burilins opened the Southern part of the Crimea and stayed there for a long time . The family were coming there for health , to know about ancient and medieval history . Those journeys also served as family education . The Burilins visited Yalta several times , stayed at fashionable hotels of that time — « Metropol » and « Russia ». During their vacations in Alupka and Gurzuf , they had been treated by the leading doctors of that time . In Feodosiya Dmitriy Burilin had seen the works of Ivan Aivazovsky for the first time . Later he became the worshipper of Aivazovsky ’ s works and added some of them to his collection . The source base of the research consists of the Burilins ’ correspondence , containing in the collection of the Ivanovo state historical museum .
Keywords : vacations , Dmitriy Burilin , journey as an opening of space