Результаты конференции 19-sentabr | Page 9

Opening statement of Regional Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Henriette Kiefer Dear Mr. Norov, Mr. Akhatov, Mr. Annen, Dear Excellencies, Dear guests, In the name of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, I welcome you in our roundtable organized together with the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies in the context of the journey of Mr. Niels Annen, minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany to Uzbekistan. In the last two years, Uzbekistan decided to take more responsibility in the Central Asian region. It opened its trade relations and enhanced imports and exports with its neighbors. It worked on further demarcation of its borders and already succeeded in many border regions, which will facilitate more and more traffic between populations. 9