up to date
up to date
can find out beforehand, online,
at www.AplusA-online.com. This
is a good place to compile your
own special exhibitors’ list, de-
pending on personal interest in
specific areas.”
When preparing for an ex-
hibition your company always
paid special attention to pro-
motion and marketing efforts.
Your perfectly organised press
centres have reaped praise from
journalists from around the
world. Are you planning any-
thing new this year?
Birgit Horn: “A+A concen-
trates, among many other top-
ics, on the ergonomic design of
the workplace and routines in
the office as well as on work-
place health promotion. To con-
vey good practice and cover
the criteria of people-friendly
workplace design even more,
this year A+A’s Press Centre will
be equipped more ergonomi-
cally for the first time. I addi-
tion to our standard equipment
we will offer 1 Deskbike and
two Module Activity Lifetrainer
workplaces in cooperation with
DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Un-
fallkasse e.V.).”
How would you rate the par-
ticipation efficiency of exhibi-
tors at an exhibition?
Birgit Horn: “Our latest visi-
tors analysis has shown that
96% of the 65,000 trade visitors
were satisfied with A+A 2015
and that 97% would recommend
the world’s No. 1 Trade Fair for
Safety, Security and Health at
Work. At the same time, one
in two trade visitors reported
having found new suppliers at
A+A 2015. Add to this the qual-
ity of our trade visitors, over
50% of whom were involved in
the purchasing decisions of their
companies in a co-determining
or decisive capacity.
Based on their compa-
nies’ varying activity
profiles and resulting
demands purchasing de-
cision-makers especial-
ly focused on the latest
trends and innovations
in personal protective
equipment and wear –
68 % of visitors attend-
ed A+A 2015 with a stated inter-
est in the “Personal Protection”
ranges. The sector most strongly
represented among visitors was
industry, the main buyer of per-
sonal protective equipment and
corporate fashion at 44 %.”
In your experience what at-
tracts the greatest interest from
the average visitor at A+A?
Birgit Horn: “What makes
A+A the top event for the in-
dustry is undoubtedly its wide
range, featuring all the im-
portant market players. There
will be many innovative prod-
ucts, presented by more than
1,900 exhibitors from 62 coun-
tries. Moreover, the support pro-
gram will have a large number
of highlights, directed, in par-
ticular, at international
visitors. All presentation
programs at the trade fair will
be interpreted into English. We
should also mention the talks
and best-practice presentations
at the 35th International Con-
gress for Occupational Safe-
ty and Occupational Medicine,
some of which will be interpret-
ed into English with know-how
presented by our partner coun-
try organisation HSE.”
Your most cherished dream
as the Director of the A+A ex-
Birgit Horn: “My dream would
be to also become established
with Messe D sseldorf`s interna-
tional portfolio for safety, secu-
rity and health at work in other
attractive continental markets
after taking this step success-
fully in Singapore with OS+H
Asia, in India with INOS+H, in
China with COS+H and in Turkey
with TOS+H. After all, human
beings are what counts – every-
where. And through this we will
hopefully contribute to our aim
of further reducing work-relat-
ed fatalities and occupational
Further details are
available online at:
A+A 2017 will be open from 17
to 20 October, daily from 9.00
am to 6.00 pm.
Düsseldorf, September 2017
Contact for the Press:
Julia Lauber / Larissa Browa
Tel.: +49(0)-211-45 60-996 / -549
FAX: +49(0)-211-45 60-8548
[email protected][email protected]
We would appreciate a com-
plimentary copy in the event of
publication. ■
vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017