in focus
with Ministry of Labour and So-
cial Protection of the Russian
Federation. It became the lead-
ing platform for specialists in the
PPE field not only in Russia, but
also in the CIS countries and in
Eastern Europe.
BIOT serves employers, labour
unions and labour protection
specialists as a reference point
of development of the legisla-
tive and regulatory base in the
field of labour protection, high-
ly effective means of individual
and collective protection, the
safe equipment and technolo-
gies. In 2016 exposure of an
exhibition was located on the
area of 11 100 sq.m. on which
in focus
more than 330 exhibitors from
17 countries provided more
than 6000 exhibits. It was the
absolute record in the history
of exhibitions. Judging by ac-
tively arriving applications for
participation in BIOT-2017, ob-
viously, it will not resist. Or-
ganizers pay special attention
to performance indicators for
participants and visitors. In-
crease in number of productive
contacts, activities in different
zones of an exhibition, requests
for information, materials of
conferences, demand of speak-
ers, readiness of exhibitors for
contacts with final customers –
all this allows to tell that the
informative level and scale of
business actions of BIOT are now
the best for the last 5 years.
The exhibition traditionally
shows the highest concentra-
tion of decision makers on pur-
chases from private, corporate
and state sectors. Uniqueness
of an exhibition is not only in
its scale, but also in the agenda
that was created by the life.
Different actions, theme parks
and special shows will become
t he central BIOT-2017 ele-
The International forum on
labour protection with partic-
ipation of the leading foreign
and Russian experts in this area
will become one of the main el-
ements of the business program
of the BIOT-2017 exhibition.
The major place will be tak-
en by the seminar «Application
risk – the oriented approaches at
implementation of supervising
activity» with assistance of Ros-
tekhnadzor. The STC «Industrial
safety» will for the first time act
as the organizer. The platform of
a seminar promises to become a
peculiar debating club for pro-
fessional communication and the
solution of the arising problems,
expansion of communication
opportunities and adjustment of
business contacts between play-
ers of the market.
Within the action «The Ex-
pert Answers» organized by
ASIZ Association and Ministry,
unique opportunity to receive
the qualified answers to the
most concerning professional
questions will be provided to
ever yone. That is called an-
swers from the first-hand – it
means: from the representa-
tives of Federal (State) Labour
At the presentation platform
of GetSIZ, guests and partici-
pants at the event will be met
by exclusive overview of world
advanced technologies in ensur-
ing safe work, prepared especial-
ly for BIOT-2017.
Now intellectual technolo-
gies begin to be used actively
in labour protection. Consider-
ing that this trend will remain,
the decision on carrying out a
full-scale conference «The In-
vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017
novation PPE» was made. With-
in BIOT – 2017, Minpromtorg of
Russia, Social Insurance Fund of
the Russian Federation and ASIZ
will act as organizers.
Within the business program
the authoritative Russian B2B
Aktion-MTsFER publishing house,
the old information partner of
BIOT, will hold a conference
«New in the legislation in the
field of labour protection».
A lot of is done also in the in-
formation field. Since 2006, the
information magazine “Vestnik”
(messenger) is being issued
quarterly. The most demanded
standard regulations, educa-
tional and methodical materi-
als for training and advanced
training of PPE managers are
discussed. The general circula-
tion was more than 65 thousand
published copies. “Vestnik” the
only trade information and an-
alytical full-color publication
which integrates professionals
in the field of development, cre-
ation and promotion of PPE and
also direct consumers of them.
– Whether the association
participates in foreign exhi-
– Traditionally (every 2 years
since 2003) ASIZ participates in the
largest International specialized ex-
hibition concerning protection, pro-
tection, hygiene and labour safety
«A+A» in Düsseldorf (Germany).
It allowed to expand signifi-
cantly contacts with the leading
companies – PPE producers and
to increase their representation
at the International specialized
exhibition «Safety and Labor
Protection» in Moscow, as well as
to activate participation of Rus-
sia in the international programs
on integration and cooperation
in the field of development and
production of modern PPE.
In 2017 at the exhibition «A+A-
2017» ASIZ creates the Russian
collective stand of 282 sq.m, will
organize a trip of the Russian del-
egation to the exhibition, prepares
the extensive business program,
including, the international round
table with participation of leading
people from Minpromtorg of Russia.