in focus
in focus
«We are the
of adherents»
ASIZ was created on November 14, 2001 at the conference
which was taking place within the 5th International
specialized exhibition «Safety and Labour Protection»
(BIOT). Six legal entities acted as founders, other organi-
zations joined them. The Director General (CEO) of ASIZ,
Igor Rogozhin tells about today of the Association and
the role of BIOT exhibition in the development of industry.
– Mr. Rogozhin, the associa-
tion was created as the only
method, at that time, to solve
numerous problems of the
market of personal protection
equipment (PPE). How did the
situation change today?
– At the time of creation of
ASIZ (the complete name – «As-
sosiation of designers, manufac-
turers and suppliers of personal
protective equipment.») the Rus-
sian market of PPE was character-
ized by low rates of development,
low quality and insufficient prod-
uct assortment. On average about
one thousand rubles a year, al-
most 10 times less than in the Eu-
ropean Union countries were the
share of providing one worker
with individual protection equip-
ment in Russia. Such situation
was a consequence of weak inter-
action of state bodies, develop-
ers, producers, suppliers, labour
unions and monitoring bodies.
Besides, in exchange the specifi-
cations and technical documen-
tation for creation of modern PPE
was required for obsolete stan-
dard rules. Generally, there was
many work.
– Who is included into as-
sociation today: distributors,
developers, producers?
– Now ASIZ has 81 members,
including 5 research organi-
zations, 15 foreign companies,
about 70 producers and suppli-
ers of PPE, the centers of labour
protection and other organiza-
tions. All member organizations
are given the identical rights.
Governing body for the imple-
mentation of tasks facing As-
sociation is the Council of As-
sociation of 17 people including
the President of Association,
three Vice-presidents, the CEO,
heads of leading enterprises of
the industry, the trade and com-
mercial organizations, industry
unions and institutes, represen-
tatives of Social Insurance Fund
of the Russian Federation, Fed-
eration of Independent Trade
Unions of Russia and other or-
ASIZ is a member of Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of
the Russian Federation (since
2002), the member of the Eu-
ropean Safety Federation (ESF)
(since 2006), RUIE (since 2008),
the Russian union of exhibitions
and fairs (since 2011).
ASIZ is included to the state
register is the Central body of
System of voluntary certifica-
tion of the organizations, spe-
cialists and products in the field
of PPE, is also registered in the
unified register of systems of
voluntary certification.
– What issues do you re-
– The main problem – it is es-
sential to increase efficiency of
PPE due to the correct selection.
And it is important to consider
their account of the correct se-
lection. And it is important to
consider their designation and
necessary quantity. To solve this
problem, the essential review of
legislative and regulatory le-
gal acts on labour protection is
required. The association also
pays special attention to imple-
mentation of the principles of
self-regulation. All organiza-
tions, becoming ASIZ members,
assume obligations to produce
vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017
only high quality products, not
to allow unfair competition, to
provide the high level of labour
protection for the workers, ac-
cording to the adopted code of
business ethics. By and large,
implementation of the princi-
ples of self-regulation contrib-
utes to the development of the
civilized relations between all
participants of the market, in-
teraction and cooperation with
bodies of the federal, executive
authority, Chamber of Commerce
and Industr y of the Russian
Federation, RUIE, including in
the questions concerning con-
firmation of complience. And it
is very important.
– The important place in
work of association is taken
by publishing and exhibition
activities: do you hold region-
al and industry conferences,
seminars, round tables, includ-
ing international? What role is
played by the BIOT exhibition
in implementation of tasks of
– BIOT – the main exhibition
project of ASIZ. For twenty years
this International Exhibition was
held annually by ASIZ together