Мой первый журнал VESTNIK_3_2017 | Page 2

PUBLISHER’S IMPRINTS № 3/2017 «Vestnik»(Messenger) – Bulletin of Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (ASIZ) of Russian Federation Frequency – quarterly стр. 8 The founder and the publisher – SIZ Association 107023, Moscow, Elektrozavodskaya St., 52, ph.: +7 (495) 287-4891/92, www assiz.ru Chairman of editorial board: Yu.G. Sorokin Chief research consultant: I.B. Rogozhin Editor-in-chief: A.S. Popov Тhe main idea of our magazine consists of the delivery of the most relevant, most informative and useful materials to the consumers of personal protective equipment (PPE). This time our mission is especially honourable. For the first time we represent Russian producers of PPE to the world market. «Vestnik» (Messenger) - the bulletin of our Association (ASIZ), is debuting at the A+A 2017 Trade fair. We are facing a task just not to tell you about the current state of the Russian market of PPE, but also to show its leaders. Not only to show, but «to let know immediately» that it is possible and it is necessary to deal with the Russian companies. The joint stand of Russian members of ASIZ, at the A+A 2017 Trade fair, is not a usual exhibition space, it is a part of the great country that has entrusted to the best people to be its representatives. Here you will be able to find not only reliable business partners, but also devoted and reliable friends that will not fail. And our «Vestnik» bulletin will help you to get closer acquainted with them! President of the «SIZ» association, Sorokin Yuriy Grigoryevich стр. 4 CONTETS стр. 12 Production team: Commissioning editor: E. Danchenko [email protected] Page design E. Frolova Proofreading E. Ternovskova Center of an editorial subscription: [email protected] The editorial office does not bear responsibility for the content of promotional materials. Editorial opinion may be different from the opinion of authors. All rights reserved. UP TO DATE Wit human worplace safety in mind B. Horn 4 Welcome to Dusseldorf! 8 IN FOCUS Drivers of development of the russian market of PPE – State support and innovations V. Evtukhov 12 Registration certificate ПИ№ФС 77-30687 of December 19, 2007 «It is verry inportant to provide competitiveness of PPE» V. Korh 16 Soyuzpechat Printing complex, Moscow, Vereyskaya St., 29, p. 20A, phone: +7 (495) 789-4476 (multichannel) wwwl: [email protected] «We are the community of adherents» I. Rogozhin 20 BUSSINESS CARD 26 Circulation – 1500 pieces. стр. 16 стр. 20