Мой первый журнал VESTNIK_3_2017 | Page 18

in focus proves protection against ankle- bone dislocations. More and more important part in special footwear is assigned to electrostatic properties and availability of light-ref lective elements. In production of gloves more and more attention will be paid to scientific developments and modernization of production for broad use of the para-aramide f iber having high durabili- ty (is five times stronger than steel) and also to production of the gloves on a knitted basis made of different materials, in- 18 in focus cluding of nylon and polyester with several types of protective coatings. The most knowledge-inten- sive products in the field of PPE are the individual protection equipment of respiratory organs (IPERO). The Russian specialists in this sphere successfully solve a problem of The most knowl- edge-intensive products in the field of PPE are the individual protection equipment of respi- ratory organs (IPERO). The Rus- sian specialists in this sphere successfully solve a problem of development and implementa- tion of the modern competitive filtering respirators of cartridge type with the improved isolat- ing half mask with a bayonet node of fastening and the mod- ernized special cuff for connec- tion of the antigas and com- bined filters. The purpose of development consisted not only in creation of the filtering respirator with high protective and ergonom- ic properties, but also the im- proved design. It is developed and continues to be improved a big line of the plastic trap- ezoidal antigas and antiaerosol www.asiz.ru filters allowing the customer to choose necessary protection. In the field of light respirators perspective innovative biotech- nical solution is use of the new sorption filtering material hav- ing bactericidal and bakteriostat- ichesky properties. As a part of this material inhibitor of growth of microbic aerosols on the basis of impregnirovanny nanosilver of coal which has highly effective bactericidal property contains. The spectrum of action of parti- cles of silver extends to 650 spe- cies of bacteria and microorgan- isms while antibiotics suppress no vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017 more than 10 views with effect of accustoming. Such easy respirators can be applied with big effect in the pe- riod of epidemics and a pandemic of the diseases which are trans- mitted in the airborne way in- stead of medical gauze bandages. In PPE from falling from height safety systems, consisting of the safety leash and a subsystem at- tached for an insurance which depending on the nature of pro- ductive activity can include a cer- tain set of the standardized PPE from falling from height will gain ground: a remedy of polzunkovy type with the flexible or tough anchor line; a remedy of the in- volving type; device of anchor fas- tening; leashes for a sitting posi- tion; rescue lifting device; a rope with the core of low stretching; system of rope access; the posi- tioning device on ropes, etc. Individualization and personal approach to the worker will be one of the dominating tendencies in the market of PPE: selection of PPE for parameters according to every- one or an employee group, a possi- bility of the worker most to choose colors, placement of a logo, etc. Further development has to get very perspective referral on personal issue of corrective gog- gles which demands more accu- rate normative legal support. The start and development expect such service offers as: • washing and small repair of overalls; • leasing of overalls; • receiving PPE without partici- pation of the person (vending technologies) • IT providing and IT mainte- nance of processes of provid- ing with individual protection equipment; • outsourcing of providing with overalls and PPE, development of production and implementa- tion of owlsncreased durability. – What industries of the Rus- sian economy will be affected by transition to new base? – Practically all. – The state took an accurate course towards support of ma- ny industries of economy. Also the enterprises producing PPE did not remain unaddressed. What useful initiatives from the state, in your opinion, sig- nificantly facilitate life of the Russian producer? – Order of January 26, 2016 No. 85-r. The adopted agenda contains the measures direct- ed to technical and technology modernization of the enterpris- es of light industry, stimulation of demand for domestic produc- tion, increase in amount of its production. – The essential role in increase in production of domestic over- alls and fabrics for its production (for 20 % in comparison with 2015) was played by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 No. 85-r «About the approval of the program of support of light industry for 2016». Stimulation of demand for do- mestic production was promoted by the review of 5 Standard reg- ulations of free issue of PPE pro- vided by the Program and sub- sidizing of producers of overalls and fabrics regarding the cost re- covery of payments of interest on the credits. ■ 19