in focus
in focus
«It is very important to provide
competitiveness of PPE»
Providing workers with the personal protective
equipment (PPE) becomes more and more current problem
for a number of reasons every year. The permanent
growth of quantity of the jobs which are not
corresponding to hygienic standards of working
conditions that first of all it is connected with
obsolete equipment and application of the outdate
production technologies, and increase in requirements
to safety and the culture of production processes for
the enterprises entering international market.
Any western company respecting itself will not agree
to cooperate with the firm which is not paying due
attention to questions of labour protection and thereof having the high level
of an industrial traumatism and professional incidence. About the current
state of the Russian market of PPE and the main problems which should be solved
at the present stage we talk to the Director of the Department of Labour Protection
of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Mr. Valery Anatolyevich Korzh.
– Valery Anatolyevich, how
you estimate the current state
of the Russian market of PPE?
What financial capacity of it
segment and market for today?
– According to the Frost&
Sullivan company the share of
Russia makes 5,3 % of the total
world market of PPE.
The total amount of consump-
tion of PPE in the Russian mar-
ket proceeding from data analy-
sis of Rosstat for 2016 was more
than 120 billion rubles that is
12 % more, than in 2015.
Expenses on PPE on average
for the last 7 years increased for
one worker more than twice.
In 2016 expenses on PPE for
one worker in the Russian Fed-
eration were 7584 rub, in con-
struction – 8683 rub, (18 %
more than in 2015).
In Moscow expenses on PPE for
one worker in 2016 were 6722 rub
(25 % more than in 2015), in con-
struction – 9475 rub, (is 28 %
more than in 2015).
– What technical and eco-
nomic tendencies are ob-
served in the market today?
– In the next years develop-
ment of PPE in the Russian Fed-
eration will happen proceeding
from tasks of import substitu-
tion, recovery of a share of pro-
duction of domestic PPE and
materials for their production
to the level of the end of the
80th years (85–90 %). At the
same time it is very important to
provide the competitiveness of
PPE, quality and protective char-
acteristics which are not inferior
to the known world brands.
About a half of the Russian
market of PPE is made by over-
alls. Creation of effective pro-
tective clothes demands more
active implementation of mod-
ern technical solutions and pro-
duction technologies of fabrics
and materials for overalls.
The considerable share of re-
quirement of the leading Russian
enterprises in fabrics for over-
alls is made by hi-tech cotton and
mixed fabrics with special pro-
tective properties: fireproof and
thermo- fire-resistant, antistatic,
fabrics with coverings, including
membrane, biorepellent and an-
tibacterial, fabrics for protection
against petrol, oils, the waters,
alkalis and acids shielding fab-
rics, fabrics of the iSo thermo-
f lame-proofing textile fabrics
from aramide fibers have unique
fireproof properties and provide
multi-level protection. Properties
of incombustibility of fabric are
provided with a type of fiber –
aramide fiber. Fire-resistant fiber
possesses the high oxygen index.
Such functional effect remains
on all life of clothes and does not
decrease during the washings,
dry-cleaners. Besides, thermo-
flame-proofing textile fabrics,
having high mechanical durabil-
ity, provide much more long-term
level of protection against me-
chanical loadings, hostile envi-
ronment and also protect from
heat generated at contact with
heated metal surfaces.
Membrane «breathable» fabrics
possess unique properties: pro-
tection against an atmospheric
precipitation (water tightness
within 24 hours of continuous
stay in the rain), 100 % protec-
tion against wind, protection
against hit on skin of water and
oils, excellent hygienic proper-
ties (fabric «breathes»).
The market of hi-tech or mul-
tifunction clothes – will become
the most quickly growing sector
of clothing industry. Also intel-
lectual digital technologies in
clothes and accessories, for exam-
ple, will be actively applied to sup-
port of functions of an organism.
In production of special pro-
tective footwear heat-resistant
and water-repellent tanning ma-
terials, molding methods of fas-
tening of a sole, antiskid soles
with metal thorns will prevail,
vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017
air-permeable lining cloths, pro-
kolozashchitny metal laying and
insoles, special guards for pro-
tection against blows in a lifting
part of foot – all this allows to
raise protective characteristics
of footwear considerably.
More the technology func-
tional climate of the concept
which is based on use of high-
quality materials with breath-
able properties and an ergonom-
ic form of footwear has to be
widely adopted. Thanks to this
technology excess moisture in
footwear is absorbed and tak-
en away outside therefore in a
boot permanent dehydrated and
comfortable situation is kept.
One of the innovation tech-
nologies applied in special foot-
wear is plastic protection of a
calcaneal part which increases
stability when walking and im-