Мой первый журнал VESTNIK_3_2017 | Page 14

in focus in focus ABOUT VESTNIK Founder and publisher: Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of personal protective equipment (ASIZ) of Russian Federation. 107023 Moscow, Electrozavodskaya st, 52. т.: 8 (495) 287-48-91(99), fax: 8 (495) 933-21-90 www.asiz.ru / e-mail: [email protected] satisfied the customer and will be bought by Lukoil. Such high-quality break be- came possible in many respects due the system of measures of support in subsidizing of produc- tion costs of fabrics and financ- ing of expenses of the leasing or- ganizations to ensure purchase of equipment to enterprises. Modernization: successful cases Producers in Russia are sure that they have necessary production capacities now, and thanks to the operating measures of state support they can conduct active and full-time work on technol- ogy modernization. For example, production ca- pacities of one of the larg- 14 est enterprises in the market, «Tchaikovsky of textiles», are 40 million running meters of fabric a year. The company car- ries out large-scale moderniza- tion, and the new equipment gives the chance to develop and produce the innovation fabrics, to increase production volumes, to improve quality. Another company, Technoa- via, the Russian producer of overalls, corporate clothes, form and protective footwear, plans growth by 10% following the re- sults of 2017–2018. At the same time the predicted volume of investment into modernization will be about 390 million rubles. At the Energokontraktcompa- ny making PPE expected growth of sales in 2017 is 10 %, the com- pany expects the same growth also for the end of 2018. Today the amount of own investments enclosed in localization of pro- duction of PPE at this company makes about 2 billion rubles. Players of the market highly appreciate active support from Minpromtorg. The legal acts in- troducing import restrictions of foreign products of light indus- try and establishing preferenc- es for domestic manufacturers allow the industry to develop and is qualitative, and quantita- tively: to increase production, to improve quality. At the same time many pro- ducers in the future are going to increase presence in foreign markets, in particular, to coop- erate with Europe, the CIS coun- tries, Latin America and the Middle East. ■ www.asiz.ru «Vestnik»(Messenger) – Bulletin of Association of designers, manufacturers and suppliers of per- sonal protective equipment (ASIZ) of Russian Federation.» the only trade quarterly information and analytical full-color publication which integrates professionals in the field of development, creation and promotion of PPE and also direct consumers of PPE. The main concept of the magazine is an orientation on the reader. We do not try to embrace the immensity, and we are focused on specific target audience. These are heads of the enterprises mem- bers of ASIZ, responsible for labour protection at large and average government and commercial structures, insurers, both evaluation of risks and PPE experts, representatives of the state and de- partmental supervision and control, public authorities, test laboratories and centers of certification. Our mission – to make work of each Russian worker really protected. Our benefits – a unique segment of audience; completeness of information; transparent editorial policy (we create the edition together with readers); high quality standards. Despite all difficulties which are experienced on the market of paper media, we keep the paper magazine because are convinced that only paper gives the chance really to remain alone with the magazine, to work with information. Each issue of «Vestnik» is read by about 6.000 people. Contact details Subscription management center: Fomenko Irina +7 (495) 287 4891/99, [email protected] Chief research consultant: I.B. Rogozhin +7 (495) 937 3656 [email protected] vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017 Commissioning editor: E. Danchenko +7 (985) 734 1788 [email protected] 15