Мой первый журнал VESTNIK_3_2017 | Page 12

IN FOCUS Drivers of development of the Russian market of PPE – state support and innovations Russia traditionally is one of the largest world consumers of overalls and the personal protective equipment (PPE). According to Grand View Research, our country is in the fourth place in the world on the size of the market of PPE with result of $2,02 billion (2015 data), having passed forward only the USA, China and Germany. Mr. Victor Evtukhov, secretary of state, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation I t is possible to call the over- alls market as the market of stable demand, while it is reg- ulated by the legislation. Ac- cording to the Labor code of the Russian Federation, replace- ment of overalls in industry is required annually. Thus, all in- dustrial companies provide sta- ble demand for overalls and PPE. Figures confirm a trend. Fol- lowing the results of 2016, in- crease in production of over- alls in Russia was about 40 % in comparison with 2015, and fol- lowing the results of the first quarter 2017 – 13,6 %. «Energokontrakt», «Tekhnoa- via», «BTK Group», «Spetsza- shchita», «Respiratornykom- pleks», «Roskhimzashchita». «Energokontrakt» specializes in protection from an electroarch- and thermal risks. «Technoavia», «Vostok Service» turn out a big range of products: the uniform, PPE and equipment for work in cold climatic conditions. «Armak- on» and «Skincear» produce quali- tative dermatological protection. The companies which special- ize in protection from falling from height – «Vento», «Luch Plant». «Suksunsky optical-mechanical plant», perhaps, is the only large producer of eye, head and face protections in Russia. «Manipula» company develops and delivers protection of hands. It has a very wide line of gloves. Corporations «Spetszashchita», «Roskhimza- shchita», «Respiratory Complex», «Briz», «Volgaspetszashchita» are engaged in the creation of modern protection of respiratory organs – respirators, gas masks, self-rescuers. The leader in the production of special fabrics for PPE is Tchaikovsky Textiles group of companies. Earlier most part of overalls was made from import materials, the big share of import came from the USA and the Great Britain. To change a situation, Minpromtorg included in its programs for im- port substitution a number of the projects from light industry direct- ed just to production of overalls and materials for overalls. Results did not keep themselves waiting. Following the results of 2016 over 90 % of needs of the enterprises of an oil and gas complex are pro- vided with domestic overalls. State support – the market development driver Upon expert evaluations, the to- tal volume of annual purchases of products of light industry for special and corporate clothes, special footwear is estimated approximately at 100 billion ru- bles and more than 50 % of pur- chasing amount are the share of purchases of the companies with the state participation. It is important to note that in most cases overalls and foot- wear are made in Russia. Con- cerning fabrics, materials and component parts the situation is different. Many companies continue to buy foreign fabrics for tailoring of overalls, mainly from China and other southeast countries while many domestic enterprises arranged in Russia high technology productions of fabrics and materials for pro- duction of overalls and footwear which are able to replace a con- siderable part of import products for needs of the companies with state participation. Domestic enter- prises of the Leg- prom already conduct active work with the largest Russian ener- gy, oil and gas com- panies Rosneft, Gaz- promneft, Bashneft, Rosatom, Transneft and others. The Min- istry of Industry and Trade also contributes to the development of cooperation of the Russian PPE producers with state compa- nies, in particular, participating in joint meetings on purchases of products of national production. From recent successful arrange- ments, for example, it should be noted cooperation of Norilsk Nick- el with the Tomsk plant of rub- ber footwear. Norilsk Nickel took products of the plant on test and will test it by employees of extruc- tion and metallurgical divisions. The Lukoil company already car- ried out tests of PPE in the second half of 2016. Among the tested PPE there were samples of models of fire-resistant winter overalls made of the latest domestic warming material from factory of nonwoven fabrics «Whole world». Products Leaders in the market of production of overalls and PPE Leaders in the market of produc- tion of overalls and PPE – the companies «Vostok-Ser vice», 12 www.asiz.ru vestnik ASIZ. № 3/2017 13