Мой первый журнал SUNRISE November № 1 2018 | Page 27

CULTURE The Tragic Love Story of Orpheus and Eurydice However, things would soon change and grief would disturb happiness. There was a man, Aristaeus, a shepherd, who planned to conquer the beautiful nymph. A chase took place. Eurydice stepped on a nest of snakes and was bitten by a deadly viper. After the death of his beloved wife, Orpheus was no more the same carefree person. That was when he had a great but yet crazy idea: he decided to go to Underworld and try to get his wife back. Apollo, his father, wo u l d ta l k to H a d e s, t h e g o d o f t h e Underworld, to accept him and hear his plea. Armed with his weapons, the lyre and voice, Orpheus approached Hades and demanded entry into the underworld. None challenged him. Standing in front of the rulers of the dead, Federico Cervelli “Orpheus and Eurydice” Orpheus said why he was there. He played his lyre and sang out to King Hades and Queen One of my most favorite Greek myths is devoted to Orpheus and Eurydice. I heard it from one of the locals and got impressed! Later I found out that their love story had inspired many painters, such as Peter Paul Rubens and Nicolas Poussin. Moreover, many operas, songs and plays have been composed to honour these two great lovers who tragically lost the chance to enjoy their love. O r p h e u s i s k n ow n a s t h e m o s t talented music player of the ancient times as well as the owner of the charming voice. His father was god Apollo and the Muse Calliope was his mother. He lived in Thrace and taught agriculture, writing and medicine. He had the power to broaden the mind to new unusual theories and even took part in the Argonautic expedition, which was the voyage of Jason and his fellow Argonauts to get to Colchis and steal the Golden Fleece. In fact, Orpheus played a vital role during the expedition because playing his music he put to sleep the "sleepless dragon" that was guarding the Golden Fleece and thus Jason managed to get the Fleece. One day his eyes fell on a wood nymph called Eurydice. She was beautiful and shy. Something inexplicable tugged the hearts of the two young people and soon they fell dearly in love, unable to spend a single moment apart. After a while, they decided to get Persephone that Eurydice was returned to him. Hades promised that Eurydice would follow him to the Upper World, the world of the living. However, he warned Orpheus that for no reason he must look back while his wife was still in the dark, for that would undo everything he hoped for. He should wait for Eurydice to get into the light before he looked at her. With great faith in his heart and joy in his song, Orpheus began his journey out of the underworld, joyful that he would be reunited with his love once again. As Orpheus was reaching the exit of the Underworld, he could hear the footfalls of his wife approaching him. He wanted to turn around and hug her immediately but managed to control his feelings. As he was approaching the exit, his heart was beating faster and faster. The moment he stepped on the world of the living, he turned his head to hug his wife. Unfortunately, he got only a glimpse of Eurydice before she was once again drawn back into the underworld. When Orpheus turned his head, Eurydice was still in the dark, she hadn't seen the sun and, as Hades had warned Orpheus, his sweet wife was drowned back to the dark world of the dead… Since that time he could find no consolation in anything. His songs were not joyful anymore. His only comfort was to lay on a huge rock and feel the caress of the breeze. married. Their wedding day dawned bright and clear. The surroundings were filled with laughter and gaiety. November 2018 №1 SUNRISE 26