Мой первый журнал ISRS-Journal-АНГЛ | Page 9

It should be noted that concrete measures were taken to prevent and resolutely fight against corruption, which causes serious harm to the development of the state and society, which undermines people’s faith in justice. This is evidenced by the prosecution of 1 177 officials who have committed such crimes. No matter how hard the law enforcement agencies try, without irreconcilable attitude of our citizens towards this disgusting phenomenon, and effective public control it is impossible to effectively combat corruption. This evil must be seriously fought not only by law-enforcement agencies but also by public at each and every institution. Therefore, each state institution must have its own internal program on combating corruption the supervision of which shall be undertaken by public. As world experience shows, in parliaments of many countries, including the United States, Russia, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, and Estonia, there are commissions and committees to fight corruption. Considering this best practice and proceeding from the requirements of our Constitution, I propose to form anti-corruption committees in the chambers of the Oliy Majlis. As representative bodies, these committees should contribute to strengthening the fight against corruption in public institutions at all levels. Another important issue: the time has come to improve the system of ensuring of the rights of persons serving sentences on the basis of humanism and generosity inherent in our people. As you are aware, our Constitution guarantees the right to education to all citizens. In this regard, it would be necessary to introduce a distance education system in correctional institutions in order to assist those who are serving their sentences in social adaptation in the future. In perspective, it is also advisable to revise the norms restricting electoral rights of persons sentenced to imprisonment on the basis of international requirements. Dear compatriots! The main goal of the Constitution of Uzbekistan is to create decent living conditions for our people. As a result of the reforms, living standards and real incomes of the population are rising. At the same time, in this area, the government and central economic departments, as well as administrations of all levels, face many tasks. Life itself confirms that the most effective development of the country and the growth of the welfare of the population are provided by supporting entrepreneurship. Our Constitution enshrines the guarantees of freedom of economic activity, entrepreneurship, equality and legal protection of all forms of ownership. However, a high level of state presence in the economy, bureaucracy, problems in the tax and customs spheres, the banking system hamper the growth of domestic investment and the wider attraction of foreign capital. As the well-known Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu said: «The collection of exorbitant taxes is the path leading to abuse, enrichment of the enemy, the crisis of the state». For years, high taxes created the conditions for growth in the share of the «shadow sector» of the economy. Taking into account the current situation, in order to accelerate the development of the economy and increase the investment attractiveness of our country, we adopted the Concept of enhancing tax policy. Much work has been done on its drafting. The draft concept has passed a wide and comprehensive public discussion in the country with the participation of the business community, international financial institutions, and renowned experts. 11