Карьера астролога 3 2013 | Page 67

SALE OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS BY VLADIMIR TREFILOV Dear astrologists! Russian branch OPA would like to introduce you to «The Star Wormwood» and «Angel of the Bottomless Pit». The painting by Vladimir Trefilov, a Russian painter, poet and philosopher, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at the Izhevsk State Medical Academy. The pictures was painted by the artist in 1996 and 1997, five and four years before the New York tragedy of 11 September 2001 and quite accurately predicted future apocalyptic events. After the terrorist attack of 11 September the fact of V.Trefilov’s prediction evoked a wide public response and was reported both in the press and on TV. In September 2001 the information about V.Trefilov’s painting was placed on the first pages of a number of newspapers including the national newspaper «Trud». «The Star Wormwood» and «Angel of the Bottomless Pit» was shown at 18 art exhibitions in Russia and its copies were put on display in Great Britain and the USA. Vladimir Trefilov. Angel of the Bottomless Pit, 1996. Oil on canvas, 87 X 132 sm At the moment the original paintings has been put on sale. The price of a picture «The Star Wormwood» – $ 150000 . The price of a picture «Angel of the Bottomless Pit» – $ 120000. If pictures will be sold by means of astrologists 20 % of the obtained means it will be passed to Russian branch OPA for progress of an astrology in Russia. We ask your assistance and the help on sale of pictures. On this money the Russian branch OPA could publish astrological magazine on a paper, more makes wide use of press and TV for propagation of astrological knowledge in Russia. If you find this offer attractive and worth considering please contact us on any of the following addresses: Vladimir Trefilov, Lenin St., h. 112, Apt.139, Izhevsk 426009, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] http://trefilov.blogspot.com tel. +7 (3412) 302716 Mob.+79127649712 Vladimir Trefilov. The Star Wormwood, 1997, oil on canvas, 92 X 132 sm Yours faithfully, Dmitriy Paramonov, astrologer-consultant, head of the Russian branch of the OPA. Biographical article about Vladimir Trefilov in Swiss International Encyclopedia of Who is Who in Russia. Swiss International Publishing house Who is Who Verlag für Personenenzyklopädien AG, Issue 4, 2010, p. 2367-2368. КАРЬЕРА АСТРОЛОГА | 3 2013 The first image of the unfolding apocalypse came while meditating on Liberty Island December 1, 1992. In the mind was arised bright and the volume picture the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. When I went back to Russia, I painted the «Angel of the Bottomless Pit». The image of the apocalypse found the final form in the picture «The Star Wormwood». The picture caused a wide public response: the newspaper wrote about it, it was shown on TV. 67