one can legitimize crimes of any kind in the name of individual expression or creativity . It is the reason why judgement is necessary to identify if the individual expression or innovation are contributing to the development of life , and that fundamental moral standards are respected . This judgement should be based on objective standards and not on subjective likes or dislikes .
This is the subject of a lot of controversies since it is difficult to draw a clear line between the subjective and the objective . Some people even give credit to the inhuman Nazi medical experiments on prisoners in the second world war by proclaiming that it led to very important discoveries in the scientific field . This is clearly an example demonstrating how insensitive one can get , and to justify it in the name of progress .
Nevertheless , many issues are perceived as negative or irrelevant because they are not truly understood . For example many can perceive the homosexual phenomenon as a threat to a healthy society ; yet this judgement is usually based on lack of understanding since homosexuality is not detrimental to life in any way .
The bottom line being that through the archetype of Aquarius , the individuality and uniqueness are to be valued regardless of biological or national identity . The color of skin , the gender or the national identity are irrelevant ; rather it is the personality , and the individual contribution to the whole . From this emerges the humanitarian vision to promote equal social rights for everyone , for those in the fringes of society in their different lifestyles or status , and for those in the mainstream of society . Noone is born equal yet each one should be respected through those basic rights . It is a condition to foster the individual creativity in each person , reflecting the understanding of the necessity in diversity of life .
The archetype of Aquarius is concerned with the overall nature and character of individuals , groups , communities , societies , and any other form of social gathering on Earth and in outer space . It deals with the development of the individual within the collective . The focus is on enhancing the quality of life in large-scale vision . However , this vision can create a lack of intimate and personal contact with the individual , rather an anonymous approach . In this case , individuals are referred to as numbers , and only the outstanding contributors to the progress of the whole are recognized for their sophistication . Often this becomes the standard for judging people ; the sophisticated , intelligent , and progressive as opposed to the " regular ", slow , and uninteresting . The person looks down at the world from above and finds it hard to be impressed by the trivial emotional dramas of " normal " people . In this indifference one can truly " castrate " other people who do not meet the standards of personality . It is a feeling of belonging to an elite and higher race of sophisticated people who feel different and superior to the masses .
These individuals usually come from early life dynamics where they were treated as such , and humiliated by the parents or by the social environment for being dull or unimpressive .
Another manifestation of this dynamic is reflected in the enhancement of progress to benefit the elite of society only . Hence the large gaps existing within a society as some enjoy the privileges of advanced means and education while others are denied access to these privileges and settle for mediocre standards . On another scale this is shown in the progress of human race development to the detriment of animals and nature in general . All the resources are invested to benefit the " superiors " only .
In a positive way , the soul can develop the individuality and sophistication without lacking in respect for the less sophisticated . This is the case where the soul recognizes the emotional nature of life and therefore ceases to judge everything solely on intellectual standards . The soul develops a relatively impersonal judgement on life which enables one to see things in clear light without projections based on likes and dislikes .
This becomes a quality that contributes a great deal to the evolutionary process for one can look at the self in a relatively objective manner . Looking from a bird ' s-eye view with larger perspective , and in so doing identifying potential blocks or talents ; this approach enables the individual to laugh at him or herself . The individual feels ready to admit various facts about the self as a result of an objective self-analysis , and this gives way to development . There is a healthy detachment from expectation and therefore a realistic observation of the phenomena of life ; it is a scientific approach in the real sense of the word .
With this attitude the soul is able to step into the realm of the unknown and the " yet to be discovered ". From here the ability to bring life to new forms , new speed , and new achievements . The environment is modified , modernized and a more efficient use of resources and energies results from it . ■
The article is published with the permission of author and translator .
Maurice Fernandez , author of the books « Neptune , the 12th House and Pisces » and « Astrology and the Evolution of Consciousness — Volume One », is one of the leading Evolutionary Astrologers .
He is also the organizer of The River of Stars Astrology conference in Hawaii . Currently based in Boulder , Colorado , his educational programs and reading practice have forged a worldwide reputation of depth and excellence .
Maurice has been practicing Kundalini Yoga for more than 15 years and now teaches it with astrology , offering workshops that provide a complete body , mind , and spirit experience . Visit the free learning forum on his website : www . mauricefernandez . com You can find Maurice on Facebook .