While today’s media has become an absolute feeding
frenzy for every political pundit and talking head, it is Air
that urges us to reach out and draw people into our lives,
share intimacies, and learn from each other. It is the most
civilized of all the Elements, reminding us of our identity as
social creatures. Air is at home when finding its place in the
endless varieties of human exchange, endlessly arguing,
forming and reforming alliances
The true Air type will try all sorts of ways to engage
with people, becoming involved, exchanging judgments,
promoting cooperation and shared experiences. At its best,
Air seeks involvement and intimacy. At its worst, it can be
deceitful and intolerant, dismissive of authentic relationships and unwilling to face the truth. Air needs to make a
definite stand on its position, even if it means some people
may not agree. Being scrupulously honest and authentic is
the high price it must pay to earn the freedoms and liberties
it often talks about.
Psychic... Compassionate Intuitive...
Sensitive Artistic...
Water is the most emotional of all the elements and its
positive keywords read like the advertising material for the
local spa. Rejuvenating, refreshing, relaxing, and calming
certainly sound inviting, but make no mistake, Water demands we face our own inner demons of rage and despair,
which is anything but pleasant or calming. Water requires
we get in touch with our true feelings and find ways to
communicate our needs and wants to other people.
It is highly intuitive energy, often psychic, and able to
tap into deep levels of unconsciousness and intuition. Water
demands that we rise above our personal feelings and preferences, embracing our deeper natures, and accepting our
inner fears and insecurities as part of that. Through compassion, artistic talent, and its unlimited imagination, Water
pulls us out of our own ruts and puts us into touch with our
higher and more altruistic nature.
At its best, Water is forgiving and compassionate, able
to transcend petty and selfish motives and sees beyond the
endless melodrama of human life and existence. At it worst,
it can become paranoid and emotionally blocked, noncommittal, and absolutely refuse to stop living in its own dream
world. When balanced, Water brings peace and directs us
towards that still point in us that is unattached to anything
transient or vain. It is the secure base of our deeper self,
offering insight and sensitivity in contrast to the chaos we
often face in our daily lives.
High morals... Principled Introduces
Change Renewal & Growth...
Unselfish Team oriented ...Visionary
The Spirit element encourages us to break free of
any unnecessary attachments that hold us back from
seeing our true nature. It is the most metaphysical of
all the elements, grasping the underlying unity in all
things, often blurring considerations that block our
awareness of the truth. The nature of Spirit is forward
thinking and humanitarian in nature, seeking innovation and improvement for all people. Justice and
equality figure large in its world; being able to successfully resolve conflict and strife are high on its list. Spirit
seeks to create environments where people can work
together for the common good. It is enterprising, innovative and brings change and transformation in its
Small wonder that Spirit types can become so frustrated in a world so filled with non-believers. Their
high expectations become quickly dashed with cynicism and intolerance. Anger and resentment can replace their natural enthusiasm and belief that life is
sacred and the human spirit honorable and noble. Ignorance and disillusionment obscure their enlightened
perspective which unites all living things, large or
small, into one interdependent system of love and mutual respect.
Spirit types are the poets and the metaphysical
philosophers of the world. They are the keepers of the
truth, the interpreters of signs, sometimes having to
go underground to protect themselves from political
or social turbulence. They remind us of a distant home
we all share, of its unspeakable glory and magnificence. In each age, they challenge us to listen to our
own spirits, to remember who we are, and lay claim to
our place in the grand cosmic plan. They guide us
through our illusions and doubts, pausing only to remind us that it was love that created the universe and
everything contained within it. ■
Jack Hopkins has been studying astrology since 1973 and
has a passionate interest in investigating alternative divisions of the Zodiac in natal and predictive work. He has
worked in the IT field for over 30 years and is autho r of several astrology programs which utilize his research on harmonics and degree areas. Jack has also applied his interest
in harmonics to mundane astrology, resulting in some interesting looks at history and today’s world, correlating his
finding with degree areas to that as well. Find him on the
web at:
The Career Astrologer Volume 20 Number 4 Winter 2012