The article was written as a result of the Writers' Workshop Arlan Wise at a OPA retreat in November 2011
Stop! Who goes there? A
writer? You have come forward to have your astrological article printed. I am the
Publisher. Do you know the
Silly opening isn't it. Actually, you are the one who
holds the power to be published, not me. It's your good
writing style that will open doors and give you a front
row seat.
An introduction is in order. I am the publisher for
the journal of the International Society for Astrological Research. ISAR receives over twenty astrological
articles every three to four months. Each article has
an author, possibly you, wanting to get your message
out. In print, your astrological peers can read, understand and learn from your work.
Now let us watch the ISAR Publisher squirm and
turn. Welcome, Richard, to Arlan Wise's Writers'
Workshop at the OPA retreat at Ocean Creek Resort.
Like astrology, there is no real magic in a well written article; it is simply good writing. "Simply good
writing" is perhaps a misnomer. There is nothing really "simple" about writing well, yet it is the ticket for
admission for your publisher, editor and your peers. A
well written article captures your readers mind, their
senses and their imagination. You will have a future
captive audience of those who love your articles.
The first thing I learned in the workshop is that
discipline is your friend, perhaps like Saturn and your
editor are your friends. It takes time, consistent practice, patience, will and determination devoted to writing. Discipline is not "an acquired taste" nor is your
editor a barrier to your work. Your editor is on your
side. Maintain the discipline of writing every day.
Even the details are important; find a place where you
can write, your own special place where the external
world cannot penetrate your writer's world.
The Writer's Workshop experience is amazing.
"Amazing how", you ask. After four earthly rotations,
myself and the other comrades in the workshop have
been pushed, pulled, stretched and compressed to
tease out the style, qualities an attributes in good
While Arlan may appear to be a taskmaster with her
galley of pupil slaves, Arlan is a kind, gentle and patient writing coach. Dispensing rules from Strunk and
White; reading passages from Steven King's On Writing; or
Nancy Aronie's Writer's Mantra, Arlan guides like a skilled
sculptor. Her assignments (homework required) are varied;
both astrological and non-astrological; Japanese Haiku's for
each planet in our chart springs to mind. So what is the
magic, besides discipline and having your own special
Speak from an active voice, not passive.
Be wary of adverbs; be succinct and to the point.
"That" is better usage than "which." Know the context
and their differences.
Use all your senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing and
The Writer's Mantra from Writing From the Heart by
Nancy Aronie sets the intention:
I'm a great writer
I have great courage to write.
This is my practice and I honor it.
All the furniture in this house, every
spider on these walls, each vegetable in
that refrigerator, is so lucky to be hearing
these brilliant thoughts of mine.
Oh yes, a book list is always in fashion:
On Writing
Steven King
Writing Down the Bones
Natalie Goldberg
The Elements of Style
William Strunk and E.B. White
The Rulership Book
Rex E. Bills
The Well-Tempered Sentence
Karen Elizabeth Gordon
Astrological Keywords
Manly P. Hall
Writing from the Heart
Nancy Aronie
Book of Rulerships
Lee Lehman, Ph.d.
Astrological Gardening
Louise Riotte
Coining ourselves the "Maven Writer's Group", I give
my heartfelt appreciation to my fellow students for sharing
their work and supporting this publisher's writing attempts. My gratitude abounds, Arlan, for all your enchanting, guidance as I struggled (quite frequently, I will add.)
You set the milieu, structure and delivery of your workshop. I strongly recommend Arlan's writing workshop to
develop your writing style. A style that will grab, inspire
and captivate your readers. ■
The Career Astrologer Volume 20 Number 4 Winter 2012