Карьера астролога 2 2012 | Page 44

ARTICLES OF ASTROLOGERS MAURICE FERNANDEZ «MERCURY AND ITS HIGHER OCTAVE URANUS» It is impossible to gather every existing detail in life without using the logic of things. Another example would be the study of Astrology; one can try to learn Astrology by collecting information for every specific chart and every combination of planets. Yet at every single moment, there is a new chart in the world with new combinations; unless one would learn the bottom line logic of interpretation instead of learning every chart separately, there would be no way to master the analysis. For example it is clear that the means of communication and travel have changed considerably in form and speed during the last century. Each soul now has to update itself and adjust to the new means, otherwise it will not be able to participate in life, and again will experience chaos. A few years from now, a person that will not be able to manipulate a computer will be expelled from the circuit of life, he or she won't be able to bridge with the environment. From this pressure arises a fear of missing any event occurWhen there is no foundation or meaning guiding the ring in the present. In such cases, the individual will learning process, the individual becomes scattered, and shop for any new book, movie, social gathering, inneeds incessantly external stimuli. The mind becomes so formation of any kind, in order to ensure continual restless that it needs to occupy itself all the time; keeping updating. the mind busy becomes a condition to find some gravity in life. The individual tries and buys anything encounter in This dynamic often creates social pressure as to order to satisfy the immediate hunger for interest. Since who is updated and who is left behind. It leads to a the search is not based on any sense of meaning, the indi- race to become more educated, trendy and integratvidual gets easily bored as nothing encountered is really ed. Those who are not updated usually become the integrated. Boredom creates a need for stronger and objects of ridicule and considered "retarded" or stronger stimuli and sensations to captivate the mind. In "primitive". The judgement standards are very high, extreme scenarios, the lack of inner consistency can lead sometimes causing pressure to fit at any price, even to immoral actions for the sake of personal entertain- at the expense of lying. ment. The potential exist for pretending to be knowledgeThe archetype of Gemini deals with the present, or shall able, and to present a persona to the public that is far we say with the present manifestation of the truth. The from the truth. This kind of person fools everyone truth is the logic of life and it is immutable; it transcends with words, and is a slave to his or her superficial imtime and space. Yet the process of learning is spread age. These individuals have no self-esteem and betray through time and space. Life changes form to adapts itself themselves in order to fit into trendy or intellectual to the present time and space, relative to what is under- images. In so doing they easily betray and abandon stood at that moment. Each time and space emphasizes their own family, friends or peers, especially if these some phenomenon, hence cultures, fashion, and customs spoil or shame their "socially successful" image. are developed. An example for this is the story of a man who emiFurthermore, as life changes form through time, it grated from Iraq to a western country. He made new speeds up as well. Through the learning process, phe- friends in the new country and they often went tonomena that were once very slow to understand and to gether to classical music concerts. These shared expemanipulate, have become obvious and easy to compre- riences were sources of many discussions and debate hend. What was once considered a state-of-the-art com- in social gatherings. However, later in life he conputer is today considered primitive and slow, just as to- fessed that these concerts were a torture for him for day's latest high-speed computer will be considered prim- he did not inwardly relate to this kind of music, and in itive tomorrow. As life speeds up, it is possible to deal his private moment, he use to listen to oriental music. with more sophisticated forms and paradigms. For years he lived a lie because of the fear of being labeled "primitive" and being expelled from his social Hence, through the archetype of Gemini, the soul is not sphere. only pressured to adapt to life, but to modern life and to "faster" life. The soul is required to integrate in the preTo uncover the logical laws of life is in fact to unsent manifestation of forms, and so has to update itself cover the secrets of the universe and the truth. The continually to constant modifications and innovations. more one progresses in understanding, the better the Innovations are the fruits of progress in learning; as long ability to make the right moves in life. as there will be learning, there will be innovations. 44 КАРЬЕРА АСТРОЛОГА | 2 2012