Карьера астролога 2 2012 | Page 42

The archetype of Gemini is concerned with the issue of integration into the environment as a survival necessity . The environment reflects the dynamics of life surrounding the soul in a particular time and space . This archetype is mutable by nature , which reflects the reality that life is built on a holistic foundation , meaning that every single component of life invariably relates to every other one . As a result the life of the individual is part of an enormous chain , and the individual learns to consciously integrate in that chain .
Understanding the holistic foundation induces the individual not to separate him or herself from the outside world . External events are interfering with the private reality even if the individual refuses to be part of those events . The soul incarnates as an entity ; yet this entity is part of an existing framework . The individual lives and interacts with an environment regardless of personal choice .
For example as one drives a car into town , the need is to relate to the other vehicles . Personal actions impact on the traffic stream just as the traffic impacts on personal actions . Through Gemini the urge is to enter the traffic of life and to melt into it in order to participate in the existing dynamics . It is like stepping in the rhythm of a dance that has started before one came , and will continue after one leaves .
In other words the air that we breathe is shared by everyone and is everywhere . Ignoring the fact that each individual interrelates with the environment is like trying to isolate the air only for the use of the self . As a matter of fact , it seems that the first sign of integration in life is reflected in breathing . As one breathes , one enters the rhythm of life .
Life operates regardless of the individual personal rhythm ; its pace is a mixture of everything that exists . Therefore life never stops and never concentrates solely on one particular thing ; rather everything is always doing something all the time . The clock ticks continually as every living thing breathes without a pause . Life is a simultaneous phenomenon and all its components are synchronized with each other as they interrelate .
Part 1 . Mercury ruler of Gemini
This again described in the car example , as one drives , one does simultaneous actions of looking in the mirrors , shifting gears , pushing pedals , listening to the radio station . All these actions are synchronized with each others just as the personal car is synchronized with the rest of the traffic .
The individual is in a state of deep shock facing the simultaneous , interrelating and synchronized reality . Everything is in constant movement and seems to happen so fast . Furthermore , one cannot stand aside and take a brake ; one is part of the mechanism and therefore pressured to grasp as fast as possible the way to deal with it in order to avoid losing control and break down .
The condition required for integrating into the stream of life is knowledge . There is a survival need that pressures to learn how the mechanism works in order to be able to act accordingly and know how to use it . The more one knows the more one can regulate the interactions . The absence of knowledge would represent a reality within which the soul would be invariably involved in the dynamics of life without having any clue as to how to operate in it . The outcome would create a state of inner chaos as one would be dragged by external occurrences in every directions , ultimately leading to accidents , insanity , or death .
A common example to describe this dynamic is of a person visiting a foreign country . Landing in an environment that one is not accustomed with and not integrated into leads to a feeling of deep insecurity , it is a cultural shock . The language is foreign , the climate is different , the money has different value , the rhythm of life is altered , and so on . Unless this person is guided by tourist services or books to gather the necessary information and understand where and how to deal with the new environment , he or she cannot participate in it . In extreme cases again this person ' s life and sanity can be threatened as he or she cannot bridge with the life and elements of that place . A foreigner in England can be killed by looking the wrong way when crossing the street ; to know is to survive .
The need to know reflects the need to understand , and the ability to understand is again based on life as being a holistic mechanism .